The Lesson of Love and Happiness - Chapter 1 - A "Fresh Start"

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It was the start of my first year in middle school. Hard to believe that my mom thinks middle school is the time where I make new friends. She never really liked my elementary friends. And I downright agree with her.

So I'm glad actually. It's a whole new "Fresh Start".

My mom came into my room, walked up to me and began to massage my shoulders. Her warm, tenderness of a loving mother's hands dedicated with hard work from the very beginning.

"I'll be dropping you to school in about 10 minutes David. I'll wait for you in the car," Mom said.

"Alright then, I'll put my shoes on and organize my backpack in the meantime," I replied.

As soon as I finished, mom was in the car on her phone. Probably texting my dad whose at work. I walked towards the car wondering how 6th grade woud be like.

What if there were bullies? What if the teachers are strict as hell? What would the school lunch be like?

I certainly had many questions willing to be answered.

I opened the door to the passenger seat and dropped myself in. Mom began to start the car. And then we were off.

When we reached the school, I was truly amazed how big the school's structure looked like. The sign "True Cross Middle School" stood up representing the many students that attend this school and yet, I am one of them.

I stopped to take a glance of my mom, and kissed her on the cheek to say good bye.

"I'll be seeing you later," Mom said. She didn't look really happy. Probably because she's not used to seeing me slowly turning into a man.

"Alright, bye mom," I replied.

As I closed the car door I stop and stood to see the many students walking in upon the entrance. Many new faces and students bigger and taller than I am.

I began to walk through the gates, cross the halls and into my classroom. I took a seat that was only two desks away from the teacher's desk and sat there waiting for the other students and the teacher to come in.

Although, I wasn't alone.

And African American boy came up to me and lend out a hand for me to shake.

"Tommy Jefferson, and I'm glad I'm not the only one that's early for class," Tommy laughed.

"David Xyanide, I'm glad I already met a friend," I replied.

Tommy seemed to be a really athletic guy by the looks of it. He wore sport-looking socks with basketball shoes alongside with shorts that went slightly above his knees and wore a jacket that looked comfortable to wear.

All from the company of Nike.

As more and more people walked through the front door, the very last person who came in was the teacher himself, Mr. Douglass.

"Hello there 6th graders of True Cross!" shouted Mr.Douglass. His kind like, deep voice filled the air.

"Welcome to Room 126," said Mr.Douglass.

As Mr.Douglass talked about the things that we are going learn and the rules of our school, I began to take a look around the classroom. From desk to desk I checked to see who was sitting on each one.

To be continued


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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