Brown + Grey

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Nathan kept his head to the door trying not to breath so hard. He loved to wake up early on Wednesday mornings just to hear his family's meetings. He would sneak out of bed at 6:30 in the morning and wait at the door, planing to hear each and every thought they said.

But for some reason this morning was stranger than usual. Except for it being the main family in the housing room, it was the main four people in the family the ones who called all the shots. His two dads and his mom and her recently wed husband.

"I think it's about time we tell him what's going to happen him. He's only two weeks away from becoming age." His mother Reyes said.

"I mean if we're lucky he'll be just like his cousins." His father Jacob said mildly.

"Which ones?" His father Jordan said with high amounts of sarcasm.

"The ones that don't decide to go out once a month." Reyes husband Michael said.

"What?" Nathan whispered. And then he lurched forward rolling through door, sliding right in front of Reyes feet.

"Nathan." She paused. "Your up strangely early."

Nathan rushed up to his feet trying not to show how early he actually woke up just to catch this meeting. It was now 8:30 and school started at 9 but he wasn't even dressed yet. "Mother, Fathers, Mr.Michael."

"I've told you, you can just call me Michael."

"School has taught me to always respect others, even when they give me a name to call them by."

"And you said that putting him in a Catholic school would be bad for him." Jacob snarled quietly.

"I never said it'd be bad. I said it wouldn't be as open minded as public schools." Jordan replied.

"Well I agreed that public school would've been best but only if-"

"Did you want something in particular for you to not have your clothes on for school yet?" Jordan said cutting Reyes off.

"No, I just wanted to say hey before I ran off."

"We'll see you once your ready to go. Now run off." Jacob said slowing shoving Nathan out of the room.

"Very well, mother, father, Michael."

Nathan walked along beside his father all the way to his room. Then he stopped and turned to his dad. He look at his pale blue eyes, and well groomed brown hair, looking at his over towering height, his white skin glowing softly within the soft rays of the sun escaping through the windows in the hall.

"Dad. Are you hiding something from me?"

"Why say that, did you hear something?"

"What did you and Michael mean by my cousins?"

Jacob slowly started to touch his shoulder and sigh at the same time. "You know who you are correct?"

Nathan slowly nodded not knowing what he got himself into. "You are a Pear'Elly, also known as a family with growing power."

"I've heard this speech a million times before."

"Then you know that asking questions is the wrong thing to do with our family. Now get dressed and ready for school."

Jacob walked away and listened to the sound of the door closing as he walked away. He seriously hated being the one to be the harsh parent that kept secrets but he truly had no other choice. He walked into the room and slammed the door behind him making everything one and thing jump.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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