Like the Sun in the Sky

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Story dedicated to a great friend, Ethan.

V's Pov

It shines so brightly when he's around as if he was the sun in the sky that illuminates the day. I've had this feeling before; however, this warmth felt nicer as it was a gentle touch. When I glance into his dark-shaded eyes, I see a glimpse of man who is afraid of expressing his emotions to the people surrounding his life. His sharp tongue is confused for rudeness, but Jumin means no harm. His sense of humor is odd, but that's what makes it funny. Those qualities are what I love.

"I was afraid you were going to leave once you knew how I felt about you," Voices cracked when on the verge of a break down, "I can't keep you in a cage, or tie your hands up. I have to give you the right to leave whenever you want. So Jihyun," Your eyes seemed to have cried as they fell slowly like rain droplets, "Please accept my feelings." Jumin, you've bottled up your emotions for so long that you don't remember how to express them. Don't worry. I'll help you for I love you.

Two Years Later

"So why are you giving me this? These cameras are rather expensive for you, aren't they?" Jumin moved closer to my side and leaned towards me, and on instinct my arms wrapped around his waist. For a moment, I could have sworn there was a faint blush on his face. Just the thought made me smile, "You may be going blind, but you can still read price tags right?"

"That was rude," I faked an offended expression, although it only made us both laugh, "I just wanted to give you something that meant a lot to me. Cameras can capture memories as they're happening. Doesn't that already make you want to take more pictures?" Jumin glanced at me, but there was nothing but a smile on his face.

"I don't understand photographers. Memories are meant to be remembered not pictured."

"Jumin, imagine this scenario. Imagine you're an old man coming near death's door, and you are nothing but a shell of your younger self. You grab out a photo album, and suddenly as you're seeing picture by picture you're brain is playing those memories as if they're happening right then and there. Yes, memories are meant to be remembered, but sometimes a picture is all it takes to keep it going," I don't know if Jumin fully understood what I tried to explain, nevertheless he just kept smiling for me.

"You're right. Only the most precious memories should be framed," Jumin proceeded to move closer, and wrapped his arm around me. I noticed that he held the camera in his other hand, and angled the lens toward us, "Say cheese. If I mess up, we'll keep taking more photos together. Today and in the future as well."


"Cheese!" And just like that, my best friend had taken his first photo with his new camera.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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Photogenic // Jumin x V - Mystic Messenger One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now