Chapter One

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"Baekhyun?" Chen asked, eyeing the guy seated in front of his house. "Baekhyun! It's you!"

The said guy lifted his head up, meeting Chen's eyes and suddenly, his eyes glowed into happiness. "Chen!" Baekhyun threw himself on Chen. He even sniffed a little on his shirt. "I've been waiting here for almost five hours already! Where did you go?"

"Sorry. I wasn't told that you're coming here. Anyway, what brings you here in my house?"

Baekhyun broke the hug and instantly lowered his head. "I was. . . . Uhm. . . Looking for a house to stay at?"

"And?" Chen asked impatiently.

"Look, I don't have enough money to afford a living! I promise, the moment I find a new job and got my first wage, I'll pay you back for the rental fee! Just please let me stay inside your house!" Baekhyun kneeled in front of his best friend.

Chen chuckled, helping his best friend to stand up from the cold cemented floor. "You really don't have to pay, Baek. If only you just told me about your problem then I'll be more than willing to let you stay inside my house. For free!"

"Thank you! I know I can always count on you!" Baekhyun pulled Chen for another breathtaking hug.

"Enough with the hugs really," Chen chuckled. "Let's come inside before we freeze ourselves here to death."



Baekhyun was welcomed by the aroma of coffee beans coming from to where he expectedㅡthe kitchen. It suddenly made his stomach growl. He remembered he haven't eaten anything yet since the moment he arrived at Korea from China because he quickly hailed a cab going to his best friend's house.

"I see that you're hungry. Come with me and I'll introduce you to him."

"Him?" Baekhyun asked cluelessly as he follows Chen's foot steps.

"Baekhyun, I want you to meet Xiumin, my boyfriend," Chen lightly pushed a guy who's wearing a barista apron just for Baekhyun to have a glimpse of his boyfriend. "And Xiumin, I want you to meet Baekhyun, my best friend."

"Hi. It's finally nice to meet you. Chen's always talking 'bout you to me," Xiumin smiled warmly at Baekhyun.

"H-hello. . ." Baekhyun shyly greeted. "Is it fine with you if I'll share home with you guys?"

"You don't have to worry about that really," Xiumin assured, patting Baekhyun's shoulders. "It's a good thing for Chen since he's always left alone here in our house."

"It's because he doesn't want me to work," Chen pouted to which Xiumin just cutely pinched his boyfriend's nose.

"You two look so deeply in love," Baekhyun dreamily said.

"We are," Xiumin hugged Chen.

"Baekhyun. . ." Being his best friend, Chen knows there's something wrong with Baekhyun. "You know I'm always here for you, right?"

Baekhyun tried fighting the tears to fall down remembering his broken marriage, but he failed. "I-I know."

Xiumin tapped his boyfriend's shoulder. "Bet you two needs time to cope up with each other. If you happen to need something, I'm just a shout away from the kitchen, okay?"

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