Serendipity. Shawn Mendes Imagine

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Ever since I was a little girl I've pictured my wedding. The colors. Who to invite. Every single detail expect one.

Who was going to be my husband.

I kept that a surprise. Maybe a lawyer or a doctor. Someone I could grow old with and play with our grandchildren.  Then I started to grow up and realize that I would never find my prince charming. I needed to depend on myself and only myself. The magical fairytale was replaced with reality.

.. Until I met him. No he wasn't a prince but he was everything I needed and wanted. I found someone I wasn't even looking for. 

Today was the day of all days. It is my wedding day and I knew exactly who I was going to marry. No surprises or guessing. Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. My Shawn.

I kept looking at myself in the mirror, slightly turning to make the skirt of the dress sway. It was beautiful.

"Karly, you ready," asked my dad as a smile crept on his face. "Doesn't my daughter look beautiful as always."

"Dad please don't start crying cause then ill start crying and it will be a big mess."

My dad laughed as we walked down the long hallway to the entrance.


"Ready as ill ever be."

As all my bridesmaid went I got even more nervous. Don't throw up Karly.  Its your wedding day. Then the music started playing and I knew it was my time to go. Slowly we walked into the aisle, as I clenched my dads arm for dear life. I looked up and there he was. Shawn. He looked great as always with his hair swooshed up and a big smile on his face.

"Now we shall let the couple say there vows, Karly you may go first."

Emily, my "flower bitch" handed me my vows.

" I was never a big believer in fairy tales. Well until I found you. I can remember the first time I found one of your vines and your voice just took my breathe away. I became addicted to it and even though you didn't know it, you sang me to sleep each night. I spent day in and day out obsessing over you. What I didn't know thought was that when I met you my whole life would change. You make me so much happier, every thing about you is perfect. Even your adorable lazy eye. I do promise to not only your wife but your best friend. I can honestly say that I fell in love at first sight with you Shawn and my feelings for will never change."

I sniffled and looked up to my teary eyed husband to be.

"Shawn, you may go ahead and say your vows.

He pulled them out of his suit pocket with  shaky hands began to read them.

" Karly, When I first saw you I thought you were just another fan but once you came in to hug me I knew you were different. Honestly all I can remember from that night was that you smelled like strawberries and I kinda stalked you to find your hotel room number. When we first started talking I was consumed. All I ever thought about was your strawberry smell and how much I wanted to just hold you forever. Well now I can, forever. That's a long time I know but I knew I wanted to spend it with you. Karly, I will always love you and I cant wait to hold you forever now."

We both probably looked like hot messes with tears coming down our faces.

"Karly do you take Shawn to be your husband?"

"I do"

" Shawn well do I even have to ask."

"I do."

" Well what are you waiting for man, kiss her."

And that's exactly what he did. From this day on I will be know as Karly Mendes, the obsessed fan girl who's fairy tale did come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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