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A Hartemis New Year-

Holly sprung out of her seat, pulling on her boots. Just as she finished lacing them, Artemis emerged from the cockpit where he'd been piloting the jet. He sent her a small smile. "Are you ready Holly?" She grinned.

"New York here we come!" The two emerged from the jet, and to any passersby it seemed that the young Irish man was alone, wearing a thick winter coat and faux fur lined gloves. A barely visible shimmer of light followed closely by his side, hovering by his head. Of course, it was probably just the heat from the runway or the jets. Artemis Fowl had elected---for once---to leave his body guard behind, allowing him time off with Juliet and his family. He had Holly at his side anyway, and she was more than capable of scaring away a couple mudmen.

Artemis passed quickly through customs, seeing as he had a pass. The snow outside had melted to mush under countless pairs of feet, all heading to Times Square. The bright yellow cabs, unique mainly to New York, rushed by, filled with rambunctious passengers intent on greeting the New Year drunk. The JFK Intl. Airport still bustled with newcomers, all trying to get to Times Square. Artemis didn't bother with waiting in the line for the cabs. He headed for the sleek black limo idling in the Loading Zone. As soon as he had entered, the driver sped away, and Holly reappeared next to him.

Holly crinkled her nose. The smell and taste of pollutants permeated even the very air they were breathing. Artemis switched on the air purifier he had installed in the car for her and leaned forward, instructing the driver on where to go. A glass sheet separated the driver from the passengers and also ensured their privacy.

Artemis had started to point some interesting things out to her including The Museum of Modern Art, Carnegie Hall, Rockefeller Center, and Central Park. Holly paid special attention to Central Park, noting the well preened lawns and trees. She somehow sensed that in the very center of the park, where not a lot of people went, was a 100 year old oak. A small stream danced next to it, and was the only magic renewing place for miles around.

Holly's attention was drawn away from the park when she heard humans shouting over each other, and the clanging of metal against metal as people were shoved up against the gate that prevented them from going any further. As Holly and Artemis got closer, they could see the large stage that would soon be filled with celebrities and joyful music. The rambunctious crowds rather unnerved Artemis as he could see they stretched along for what seemed like forever.

Their car had stopped as it could go no further. The crowds were getting too thick. The driver parked the car and Holly and Artemis got out. They walked into their hotel--Element New York Times Square West-- and checked in, then headed up to their room and set up their beds and clothes. Once all of that was over, they realized it was already almost 11 o'clock. They were both tired, but they were determined to stay up and see the ball drop, so they went to the restaurant in the hotel and ordered some coffee, climbed up the stairs to the roof of the hotel, walking over to the edge.

Holly yawned and leaned her head on the edge of the roof. She fought off the temptation of sleep because, even if she wouldn't admit it, she was the more excited out of the two. She looked over at Artemis and smiled. She was grateful to have the mudboy in her life. Artemis smiled with her and they both looked on to the crowds of people screaming and the stage beyond them. She pulled herself up the edge of the roof, sitting on the very edge. Her legs started to swing in the open air, but she didn't mind. Holly glanced up at the dark sky, smiling slightly. The stars were nowhere to be seen, and she grimaced. Mudmen were destroying the natural beauty of nature. The stars, which had been there and would always be there, had been erased. Now though when she was in the midst of all this madness, in the midst of this mudman city like New York she could see that the Fairy Folk and they were not entirely different. They loved, they cared, they celebrated, they fought. Most were greedy, uncouth beings deep inside. But they put those differences away every now and then, coming together to celebrate life and the New Year. Below the earth, the fairies were surely doing the same, cheering and drinking on the coming year. In the midst of these mudmen, Holly could see that the gap between her species and theirs wasn't so big. Maybe even one day, they could bridge that gap.

Artemis watched Holly tenderly, taking in the bright red of her hair, and the way it swung lightly in the wind. She had decided to grow it out, and now it reached her shoulders. Her face was upturned to the heavens and her eyes were closed, hiding the mismatched irises. He sighed. She was so beautiful. Walking forward, he sat beside her, gripping the edge tightly with pianist fingers. Down below, the crowds surged with energy, moving along to the beat. Even this high up, he could hear the music thrumming below. A familiar tune started to play, one by Mariah Carey. Artemis, always the music genius, noticed that her timing was off by seconds. Still, he decided to hum along.

Holly started giggling. She didn't know the song, but the beat was playful and loud, enticing her to dance. Fairies loved to dance, and she was no exception. Soon she was jumping and leaping, swaying to the music. Artemis watched her fondly, still humming. Holly tried to get Artemis to join her, but the stubborn mudboy refused to do such a thing. "Come on, Arty, live a little!" Holly grinned and tugged him from the edge of the roof. Artemis awkwardly swayed to music, his timing off on every turn. Holly was impeccable every shake of her shoulders and twist of her arms timed to the music. Holly turned her wings on, flying to Artemis' five foot ten height. She placed her arms around Artemis neck, and he carefully pulled her closer.

Holly wondered what Artemis was doing, but before she could ask, she heard the beginning of the countdown. She flew out of Artemis' arms, leaving him missing her vibrant warmth. She turned back and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the edge of the roof. The crowds were counting below them, and they joined in. "3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" She turned to face Artemis with a smile on her face, not realizing how close his face was to her's as she turned. Their lips brushed and they both froze, lips touching slightly. Holly gazed, confused into his arctic blue eyes as Artemis gazed into hers. Before Holly could pull away, Artemis closed his eyes and pulled her closer, kissing her fully on the lips.

His warmth surprised her. He kissed her gently, tenderly, afraid she would pull back. Instead, Holly sighed, relaxing in his arms and reciprocated his touch. She held his face in her hands as Artemis supported her weight. The fireworks exploded above them in a shower of bright sparks.

Special thanks to @manang15 for writing this with me!!

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