Just for fun (One Shot)

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Jasmine: "Are you going to see him now?"

YOU: "Yeah, I have to meet him at 2:00pm. I have to get there early. He hates when I'm late."

Jasmine: "O-okay, we can meet later. Give me a call when you're through alright?"

You waved to your friend as you both went your separate ways. It was already fifteen minutes to three and you had to get there right away. You were late again, the punishment wouldn't be a good one. But of course you didn't mind it at all.

Baekhyun: "You're late."

YOU: "I know. I'm sorry, I ran into a friend an-"

Baekhyun: "I didn't ask for your excuses." He looked up at you then signaled you to take your seat.

You walked over to the piano and sat in front of it.

Baekhyun: "You know being late is a no tolerance for me. Begin playing 'Back to life' by Giovanni Allevi."

You placed your fingers on the keys and started playing the song he requested. Baekhyun took a deep breath in and smiled.

Bakehyun: "Good, very good."

You smiled at his compliment and continued to play. You could hear his footsteps coming closer and you tensed up a bit. Your fingers fumbled and you made a slight error in the song you were playing.

Baekhyun: "Y/N....."

YOU: "I-I'm sorry." You quickly tried to regain back control of yourself and started playing the song properly.

He stood behind you and rested his hand on your shoulder and leaned in closer to your ear.

Baekyhun: "That's going to be another strike for this lesson." You felt his hot breath as he spoke, his lips lightly grazing against your ear and your breaths became shorter.

YOU: "Mr. Byun..." Your gulped and looked up at him; his gaze completely capturing yours.

Baekyhun: "Well, do you have something to say?"

You slowly shook you head completely lost in his eyes. He smiled leaning in closer then gently kissed your lips. He pulled away and smiled, you tried your best not to let that little kiss get to you but it really was no use with this man.

He was more than just a piano teacher, and this was more than just piano lesson.

Baekhyun: "You know when you make that face I can't help myself. It makes me want to do so much more to you." He touched your face with the back of his hands and he tilted his head to the side admiring you like a beautiful work or art.

"The things you do to me, what I have gotten myself into with you my muse."

You weren't sure why he started calling you that, but you didn't hate it either.

You turned back facing the piano and bit your bottom lip.

YOU: "I'll try again to get it right." You began playing and your fingers suddenly froze.

Baekhyun now had his hands on your shoulders slowly moving towards your chest. He leaned in and gently gave you soft kisses on your neck trailing them down to your back.  Your fingers blundered on the keys of the piano as you closed you eyes delightedly savoring his touch. The feeling of his lips against your skin was oh so satisfying.

Baekhyun: "You know this is your fault right?" He said as he continued to kiss you. "You come in late. You make a mistake in the song you've been practicing for weeks now, and then you turn me on by giving me that seductive look and biting your lips like that. Are you doing this all on purpose just to get a rise out of me?"

He effortlessly lifts you up in his arms and sits on the bench. "If so, then it worked."

He positions you to sit on his lap with your legs straddled around his waist. Your hands rest on his chest and he kissed your cheek.

YOU: "Baekhyun..." His name softly escapes your lips.

Baekhyun: "I love the way you say my name." He tangles his fingers into your hear and brings your face closer to his. "Y/N..."

He lightly licks your lips with the tip of his tongue and you shifted on top of him. There and then you could feel it. The hardness of his member that was beneath you, your breath hitched in your throat the moment you felt it and you gripped his shirt tightly.

Baekhyun arched his back and rested both hands on each side of your waist slowly moving you back and forth. You flinched in his hold as moans emitted from your mouth. He groaned softly and reached one of his hands towards the back of your neck pulling you closer so he could capture your mouth with his.

The kiss he gave you was intense; his grip on your waist tightened you soon found yourself moving on your own, unable to stop. Your body felt great pleasure and you could feel something building up inside of you.

You wanted so much more of him and all you wanted him to do was take you there, right in that moment.


You both suddenly stop and looked at each other before peering towards the door.

Baekhyun: "Heh...I guess our time is up. It's your fault, you were late...again."

YOU: "I told you already, it wasn't my fault."

Baekhyun: "And I told you before I left the house this morning I had a 4'oclock meeting. If you had come earlier we could have finished this."

You pouted and looked at him

Baekhyun: "Don't give me that face. It makes me want to bite those lips of yours."

-riiinng- the door buzzed again.

You quickly climbed off him and shivered. You could still feel the sensation running through your body from what could have almost been.

He went over and opened the door and a man came inside greeting both of you with a bow.

Baekhyun: "Ah, Mr. Lee. Welcome. I have just the one you're looking for."

Mr. Lee walked in beaming.

Mr. Lee: "Thank you so much Mr. Byun, I really needed a new piano for my hotel lobby. Do you have any violins for sale also?"

Baekhyun: "Of course, I have plenty around the back. Would you like to view them?" 

Mr. Lee nodded and then his gaze landed on you.

Mr. Lee: "Mrs. Byun, Do you think I made a good decision with buying this piano."

You smiled and then looked at Baekhyun.

YOU: "I think you made a great decision. It's perfect for your business. It truly is an amazing piece."

Baekhyun smiled brightly pleased with your words.

Mr. Lee: "I trust your wife's judgment. I'm happy I decided to purchase it."

YOU: "Well, I'll let you both continue. I'll see you at home."

Baekhyun nodded and walked over to you kissing you cheek then whispered in your ear.

Beakhyun: "My sweet Y/N, this isn't over my love. Make sure you're waiting for me at home, just how I like it."

You smiled then headed out the door. Even though you both were married, you still played around like it was the first few weeks of your relationship. You walked down the hall away from his store thinking of how exciting and heated things will be later on at home tonight.

The End

Just for fun (One shot imagine)Where stories live. Discover now