1 The Encounter

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Sometimes we are blinded by worlds. Worlds that exist but only in our mind. Some exist in our dreams. Many of them are seen through all different perspectives. Mine could be conveyed as different. My world is seen in my own perspective. My existence is for love of all sorts, though not any ordinary love as others would see it.

Recently I met someone who I think could be the one for me. Quite possibly the only one for me. We met in a coffee shop not far from my home. He intrigued me. He had a sophisticated look to him. Not dressed completely formal but fancy. My eyes examined him from head to toe. Styled dark hair of which seemed so effortless. Bright green eyes framed by black square glasses. Jawline so defined. Collared shirt with vertical stripes that made him look so masculine. Around his wrist a watch of which he would keep checking for the time. His pants without a wrinkle on them, but only a fold straight down the middle vertically on each leg. Shoes that were darker than darkness yet shined as bright as day. He alone in many ways was beautiful.

I gazed at him for he was lovely. Torn for I saw the ring around his finger on his left hand. He was the one, but yet far out of reach. If only I could persuade him to be mine. Conversation seemed to be an impossible thing since he seemed to have no interest in me. Should I decided to make a situation of such to conversate? An idea of which popped into my head. The interest made his way to a table and proceeded to indulge himself in his computer. He must be a busy man. I purchased some cheap coffee for I knew of following events to occur. My sights were set to sit at the table of which was behind him, but I shall not make it to my destination. After receiving my coffee I slowly and clumsily made my way to him. Reaching right next to him I so elegantly tripped. Conveniently the top of the coffee was not fully secured to the cup. The hot coffee exploded from the cup, landing on the floor and also on the man of interest.

"What the hell lady!" He exclaimed after the hot coffee was dumped upon him.

"I am so sorry" I stated as I attempted to clean the mess with napkins. "I'm such a clutz sometimes" I said nearly in tears. Our eyes met and he had a sense of sadness in his eyes.

"I'll pay to clean your pants I swear!" I desperately stated.

"No it's not a big deal don't worry about it. It's just some coffee it'll come out." He stated.

"Even so please let me treat you to dinner for your inconvenience." I replied. He looked at me astonished.

"I'm sorry I'm married." He declared.

"Oh, no I didn't mean it like that I just want to offer you something for doing this. I was clumsy and I could've ruined you're pants. Think of it as my obligation to repay you for your inconvenience." I demanded.

"Alright. If you feel the need, but dinner seems too much for something so little. How about just buying me coffee?" He questioned.

"That sounds perfect!" I smiled. "When do you think you'll be free?" I asked.

"Tomorrow around seven? We can just meet here if that's alright." He questioned. I nodded and smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I stated as I walked out of the door of the coffee shop. He nodded and did a half smile of the sorts. He was amazing and I was successfully able to talk to him. Now that we have a date it's time to plan. I want him to be mine. I'll need to catch his attention.

After leaving the coffee shop I immediately decided to go shopping. In and out of all sorts of different shops with glamorous of possible outfits. I needed something that stood out and caught his attention. I needed an outfit that he would remember. Something that was classy yet sexy as hell. I went into my favorite clothing store which happened to be owned by my best friend. I burst through the door, strutting like a model with my hands held over my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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