Rule and Restrictions

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RULES (will be updated as necessary):

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RULES (will be updated as necessary):

Here is all you need to know about Prongs and Neville's Contests:

1. Eligibility and Restrictions:

-Entries MUST be in ENGLISH*

--Open to all ages

---Must use the prompt and/or description we give you

----Only one entry per account

-----Word count must be listed at the top of the entry

------Your submission MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK

-------If we use a prompt that you have already written a story for you can submit it, so long as it follows the rules of the contest (word count, etc)

2. Methods of Entry:

-Comment on the chapter of the most recent contest with the link to your entry** (each chapter will either say 'OPEN' or 'CLOSED')***
--DM @prongsandneville the link to your entry

Please note:
-Entry must be on Wattpad and tagged with #prongsandnevillescontest (so we can find it easily)

--At the top of your story include the following: contest name, contest close date, and word count (if you are unsure how to find your word count, see the 'Strong Suggestions' below

3. Deadlines:

-Each contest could be a different length depending on our schedules, how hard the prompt is, and/or how detailed we want you to be****

--Contests will not have a close date until 5 entries are submitted. Once we recieve 5, we will post the close date, probably about 5-7 days later to give others a few days. (PLEASE NOTE: the sooner you enter, the sooner we judge, the sooner you get your prizes! We welcome promoting our contests, so long as it's positive. If you know anyone interested in entering (friends, followers, etc) encourage them to enter ASAP so you don't have to wait as long)

4. Prizes:

-May vary depending on the contest. Read the individual contest rules carefully

--Can include: follows, shoutouts, and dedications

5. Judging:

-@prongsthemesser and @nevillethegryffindor will be the official judges for all contests unless otherwise stated in the chapter

--Judging time will vary based on the number of entries and our busy lives

---The winners will be announced as soon as possible*****


*we're not fluent in any other language

**we want to be able to find your story easily

***please don't enter a contest that is CLOSED--your entry will not be counted if it is submitted after the date

****please watch the contest close date to ensure you enter on time

*****each contest will have its own chapter and then another chapter announcing the winners (example: Contest #1, Contest #1 - winners)

Strong Suggestions:

-If you think you're going to enter more than one of our contests, create a story on your profile titled "Contest Entries for Prongs & Neville" --this will also help us find your entries faster!

--Be creative--use our prompt as a guideline. As long as you use it in some small way, you can take it whatever way you want.

---Use minimal language, profanities, mature scenes, etc. We'd appreciate if all the entries are kept PG, appropriate for all ages (you'll impress Neville a lot... Prongs is indifferent).

----Watch your grammar and spelling! If we can't understand it we won't be able to enjoy it (please note that hitting enter after every paragraph is the way to Neville's heart...and Prongs')

-----To find your word count: when editing a chapter on Wattpad, somewhere on your screen there will be a little number that says 'word count' (on the web it should be the top left corner, for Andriod it's bottom left corner). When you're all finished typing your entry, head to the top and put that number. 

Updated: Feb 14/17

Fanfiction ContestsWhere stories live. Discover now