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She didn't have any idea why Donnie had been acting this way. She wanted to ask him some questions but she didn't want to set him off. Noticing the body language he was displaying, Y/n knew something was wrong.

As the family of Mutants use the waterslide to get back home to the lair, Y/n kept looking at Donnie the entire time she sat on his lap during the ride through the splashing tunnels. Once they made it to the lair, they made quite a mess and managed to splash Splinter with a ton of water.

"Alright, slow down!" Splinter said, getting up from the floor and grabbing Leo's attention. "Does anyone want to explain what's going on?"

Leonardo kneeled to Splinter. "Sensei, the Foot are attempting to break Shredder out of custody."

While Y/n got out of the water slide with the Brothers, she pulled out her phone which surprisingly has been safe from the water, and received a text message from her Aunt Jennifer. She opened up the messages and read them silently to herself. 


Aunt Jen
Are you alright? Uncle and I just got home and see you're not here.

Yeah! I'm fine. I'm with the guys. I'll be home later. I love you!


After replying to her Aunt happily, Y/n shoved the phone back into her pant pocket and found the four brothers gathering around a large object underneath a tarp.

"Okay, guys, don't get too excited. It's still a work in progress." He says. He takes off the tarp and showed off the newest family vehicle.

She noticed the excitement and Donatello's voice and that is something she has always admired. There isn't a day where his laughter or his smile had failed to make her smile. You made her feel very warm inside like she was alive. He didn't make her feel like she was less of a person.

"Tartaruga Family." She chuckles, crossing her arms against her chest. "That's pretty cute."

Donnie heard her comment and smiled at her, even while still feeling a little bit awkward. He needed to answer with something like-- "Not as cute as you." Don said under his breath. Of course, anything said from Don's mouth made her turn beat red and every single time, she sweated.

Y/n follows the Brothers to the truck, watching them become much younger children at the sight of the different colored lights and gadgets hidden inside.

"Wow! Are you kidding me?" Mikey exclaimed. Y/n is pretty impressed with the interior as well. She believes she hasn't seen anything like it!

Then, she came around the driver's side of the truck and found Donnie already sitting in front tampering with some wires. She grabbed his attention and said, "Hey, can I come?"

Donnie's hands instantly quit playing with the wires and he looks down at Y/n. He sighed at her beautiful face, hating to turn her away from her company. "Y/n, I don't think so... You could get hurt."

"Please? I want to help." She somehow wanted to be useful for her four friends going out to chase a villain. There had to be a way she could help them out.

"Y/n, you would be a great help by staying here." He told her.


He knew she was going to ramble on so he said--  "Okay! Monitor the truck's every move on my computer wall. There's a headset there."

𝑨 𝑴𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕'𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕  (TMNT '16) 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝟏 **UNDER REVISION**❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now