Chapter 1

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I looked over my shoulder once more before i slipped into an alley.
Following the narrow pathway I'd gotten to know these past 2 years I'd stayed in this city I ended up next to a dumpster.
About time to find a new place to stay, I thought to myself and sat down, curled my feet under me and pulled an apple out from my hoodie pocket.
Atleast I had something to eat today.
One thing I had learned since i ran away from home after I'd snapped was that I shouldn't stay in one place for too long.
As much as i had walked I had still not gotten out of Texas.
10 years on the streets, things were still shit, but atleast I'd learned how to handle shit.

After finishing my apple, i sat staring at the mural in front of me when i heard shouting voices get closer.
Shit, thats my cue to leave.
I took of running as fast as i could, quietly thanking the apple for my energy.

After running for about 15 minutes the exhaustion caught up with me as the adrenaline was calming down.
I stopped to catch my breath and figure out where i was.

Looking around i realized i had ended up in the part with fancy business hotels and expensive restaurants.
Quite a difference from the slummy areas I usually were in.

I turned around and decided to leave this part, as last time i was here i got chased away.
Too many rich snobs for people to risk a shit like me sleeping outside theire fancy schmancy buildings.
Wonder where I'd sleep tonight.

Just as i turned a corner, I suddenly found myself on my ass.
I looked up to see some blonde guy in a white doctors coat.
"Oh my, I do apologise for mindlessly running into you, I was preoccupied by... Are you allright?"
He said reaching out a hand towards me.

I quickly stood up, not caring about his hand.
I looked up at him, with most people taller than me i always looked up at people and it pissed me off to no end.

Bright blue eyes were analysing me, he propably thought i was just some kid with an early stubble coming in.
I panicked and ran past him.
"HEY! Are you..."

Whatever he was yelling at me dissapeared as i ran, the mass of people growing bigger between us.
He propably thought I'd ran off with his wallet.
Thinking about it I propably should have.

After a little while I found a small crawl-inn space in a wall and settled there for the night.
I sighed and closed my eyes, desperate for some rest.
All i could see was those bright blue eyes that blondie had stared at me with and my eyes flew open to stare at bricks.

I looked around at what I could see. It wasn't very impressive, as the only thing nearby was a drunken hobo further in the alleyway singing to himself next to a trash dumpster.

I curled myself further into my little hole and kept an eye on my surroundings.
Why did crashing into blondie get me so riled up?
Crashing into someone was at the very least a weekly occurrence so what made this different?
And how the hell is it possible to have that blue eyes?
All of these thoughts swam around in my head as i could feel my eyelids drop, and I let sleep take me away for a few hours.

'I sat hidden in my closet, shaking as i heard footsteps approaching. "ALEXANDER, WHERE ARE YOU? GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!"
His drunken voice sent shivers down my spine and a slight whimper escaped my lips as he threw open the closet doors i was hiding behind.
He grabbed my shirt and yanked me out, throwing my 7 year old self on the floor.
I stared up at him, wondering what he'd do this time.
Before the thought completed his fist connected sharply with my temple and i saw sparks.
"You know darn well you ain't got not'n if it weren't for me and your mother, be grateful you wortless piece of shit"
Another fist connected, this time to my jaw.
I could taste blood.'

My eyes slammed open, and I tried to sit up.
Fuck, that was a bad idea.
I had forgotten I was in a tiny hole and ended up slamming my head in the roof of my hole.
I could still taste the blood from my dreams.
The thought of him, my so called father, braught the taste of bile to my mouth where it mixed with the blood taste.

I crawled out of my hole and scared the shit out of the hobo.
I would've laughed but instead i stood there gagging, trying to keep down the apple i had earlier.

I decided to leave and see if i found some drinkable water.
I was still close to the fancy part, but i doubted there were enough tourists to find someone willing to share even water with me.

I walked around and noticed it was still dark.
Great, more drunken people. Maybe i could pick a few pockets, people notice less when drunk.
Then i saw a wallet, lying lonely on the ground.
Looking around, no one was paying attention.
I snatched it and went somewhere I could get a little privacy and opened it.
Looking in it there was 500 dollars and an ID.
I turned the ID over and stared at the picture of blondie with the blue eyes I'd crashed into earlier. Staring at the letters on his card for a second i gave up again. I should've known the stupid things wouldn't make sense on their own.
What the hell?

I took out the money and put them in the sad excuse that used to be my sock and put the wallet in my pocket.
Should I look for blondie?
I thought about it while wandering around for a bit.

I found myself staring up at some huge block i guessed was a hotel. I could go in and give them the wallet, they would propably be able to read it.
Then again the chance of me reaching the front desk before they kicked me out was small.
Wait, Why am I considering to make sure he gets it back? Why am I even thinking about finding blondie?
There must be something seriously wrong with me.

I walked away.
Really what the hell was wrong with me?
I could use this as a chance to get away, get out of Texas. Really, 500 dollars should get me somewhere atleast.
Shaking my head, I started walking towards the train-station, wondering if there went any trains this time of night, even though i had no idea what time it was.

Arriving at the trainstation i figured out that with the 500 from blondies wallet i did indeed have enough to go somewhere. At random i asked for a coach ticket to california.
After getting my ticket i got to know that i had still 30 minutes before boarding the train, so with the leftover money i had i figured I'd go buy myself some food and drink.

Seating myself in the train I leaned my head on the window and stared out, looking at everyone rushing back and forth while i held on to my plastic bag of food.
"Why, Hello. I did not expect to meet you here. How are you doing?"
The voice snapped my out of my thoughts and i turned my head to see... well fuck. Blondie. Was he stalking me?
shit, and I still had his wallet AND I had used his money to get this ticket. Wait, what the fuck? No Alex, he lost his money. Finder's keepers. Why the fuck am I caring so much?
I glared at him before looking out the window to keep looking at people running around maniacs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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