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Isn't it ironical how something can be so close yet so far away ,like sand and water inseparable but not one .so were me and him he was the water free and unstoppable and me ,I was the sand in our story so close to him yet so far .

I still remember our first meeting,  the first day of kindergarten,  we both were partners , I was there in my cute pink frock with pink shoes and he oh how can I forget he was in his favourite white t-shirt spotless as he preferred and I made it spotless with my crayons that was our first day ,our first meeting ,the first step towards our friendship and the first step towards my breaking. He was so angry that he pulled my small ponytails with full force and I started crying , and he ran behind me to calm me down muttering sorries. And that's how we became partners .

Our families were very close friends so we both were sent to same schools and we landed in same sections every year and our bond only strengthened we were the best friends everyone was jealous of because we were inseparable.

I would bring him his favourite dishes in lunch even if I did not myself like it very much and he ,he would fight all the boys who would tease me.

Once he even beat up a guy in third standard because he won't return my favourite pencil and said it was his .

We loved sitting with each other spending time together so when this trip to mussoorrie was announced by my family that would be accompanied by his ,was like a chocolate cake with extra sauce for me ,Because he was my best friend .

We shared everything , from crayons to pencils to secrets of him stealing a chocolate from moms cupboard or me sneakingly eating that extra pie that was reserved for my elder brother .

We were like each others secret little diaries that held your deepest and darkest secrets not like we had any blunders hidden we were only small school children . But each other were all we ever wanted.

He completed me like no one ever could , he was my home ,the place where I wanted to be . But then we don't get everything we want and even I did not get the only thing I wanted.

The time of my life that I've spent with him is the time I can never forget our closest time , being  best friend with him of Mr. Samar Garg the one and only .

Brown warm eyes ,that killer welcoming smile ,his obsessions with white t-shirts ,and how he would get furious if something did not happen as he wanted, his silly ideas , and the gorgeously silly him . The only guy I ever wanted and he can never be mine. My wish would always remain a wish.

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