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WINGS WERE EVERYWHERE and I could smell the air of the sea. I was falling, falling, and falling. I screamed and cried for help that wouldn't come. I knew it wasn't. I felt the wings on my skin this time in a simple caress

The black knight will rise. The terrible prophet will burn. The palace of the north is invaded by the traitor of evil. A time of serenity will begin....

"Raven, it's time to wake up," Margie said, poking me in the ribs and therefore jolting me from the night terror. Margie was my maid and by far the most trustworthy person on the planet.

I groaned. "Just a few more minutes please?" She laughed humorlessly and yanked the sheets off of me. Then she shouted at the top off her lungs "Get up. now."

"Okay okay", I replied standing up "I'm up, okay? Is it all right with the world now that you woke me up earlier than the sun had time to rise?" She stared at me and moved over to the closed curtains and opened them up revealing that the sun was high up in the sky.

"Raven, It's noon and your parents are furious."

What could possibly make them mad at me for waking up late? I mean i do it all the time without them expecting anything from me, but that meant that there was something important happening today, but what could it-"Oh no. Is today the day?"

Margie smiled at me "Don't you want to fall in love?"

I sighed " You know as well as my parents that i don't believe in rushing love and that the only boy that I ever loved. . .died." I could feel the memory rising and then that same sharp pain ran through my body; every single time i try to remember.

I got out of my bed and began to get dressed in some fancy dress that could be turned into money and given to someone who really needed it, put my hair into an extremely neat bun and walked out of my room, saying goodbye to Margie. I was on my way to the breakfast hall when i saw someone that i didn't recognize. He had dark wavy curls that looked like they just came out of bed and he was wearing a dark suit that clung to his body extremely well and i had to admit that if he looked at me with his beautiful cobalt eyes i would have melted into a pile of mush.

I noticed that he was speaking to a guard and i didn't want to interrupt so i tried to sneak by. The guard's eyes flickered in my direction and so did the suit clad stud.

"Princess this is prince Oliver. He was just looking for you." , he pointed to the prince. I looked at him and smiled.

"Hi I am Princess Raven. What did you need of me?"

He cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "I was just wondering if maybe we could get to know one another early as opposed to having to wait all day to meet you. Though, it's all up to you if you want to come. The other prince is waiting to meet you aswell but he and i can just talk instead."

I gave him a bright smile "Well i suppose that we could get to know one another a little better and i don't see the harm in meeting the other prince." He put his arm out in front of himself and bowed.

"Shall we then?"

I curtsied "Yes we shall." It was a long walk to where the princes were seated but once we were there i saw that the other prince was sitting at a table talking to the gardener and pointing at the tulips that were in planted in the front of the fountain.

" You see", he said to the gardener as we approached, "you can't have these flower so close to the fountain or they'll never grow because they'll be over watered."

" Are you the other prince or an assistant gardener?", i laughed and he turned around to look at me giving me a grin. His eyes were the purest green that i had ever seen and i felt frozen in place. His deep black hair sat on the top of his head as if it hadn't been styled to seem like he didn't try at all. I had to admit that he had a good amount of muscle to him and he seemed like he was trying to stop himself from looking at me.

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