Poem with Lalala-LOVE ♥️

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I am far from being a saint,
But I always pray to God and tell Him that I am willing to wait..
I asked Him to give the guy who will accepts me,
And the one who will me love unconditionally just as me..

I did not know that He loves me that much,
To send me one of His angel in a blast..
I have proven that it is worthy to wait
If it is as handsome as you that I need to wait..

I was broken and alone for so long,
Until He sends you and in my life you came along..
My life that was once full of sadness,
You filled it with so much gladness..

It is your beautiful grey eyes,
That always makes my heart melts..
And it is your sweetest smile on mine,
That makes me fall everytime..

We are common in so many ways,
We are too different in some days..
We usually fight like Tom and Jerry,
But always kisses in the end of the day..

I always cry like there is no tomorrow,
But you take all of my pains and sorrow..
You make my loneliness and fears go away,
And show me love each and every day..

Fate challenged us for so many times,
But here we are and still doing fine..
And that is all because of you,
Who is so strong and never gave up on us two..

You loved me for just being me,
Accepted all my flaws and never judged me..
You have given my life a meaning,
And promised me for a new beginning..

I don't know how to say "Thank You",
Is it okay if I just say "I love You"?
Always remember that I am always here,
Loving you and will always care..

We both know that this is just the beginning,
Many trials that we will be facing..
But in the near future I am hoping,
We two changing "I do's" on our wedding..

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