Chapter 43

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Jungkook's P.O.V


"Why are you here?" - Ji Sae asked. I was shocked. Very shock. I don't know what to say.

"What are you doing?" - i asked. She kept quiet. I bet she's cursing to herself.

"Aren't you suppose to be at home?" - i asked. She let out a sigh. I don't know what to do. To be angry or disappointed. I was about to say something but her phone rang.

She answered it. "You're there? How is Sir Kim?" - she asked. They continued talking. Minutes later, she ended the call.

"I gotta go." - she said.

"But we're not done yet." - i said. She let out an annoyed groan.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Appa is in the hospital. I gotta go." - she said. She walk away with those sweaty men behind her.

"Woah. I have nothing to say." - Taetae hyung said. All of us are speechless.

"Hyung, you should go first. I'll be there by myself." - i said. They nodded and left me alone. Alone in this dirty, dark path. I sighed. I just can't. I don't know. My wife killed someone. She's covered in blood, scars, cuts.

I decided to follow her from behind, going to the hospital to see her appa.

-end of flashback-

I got up by the sun rays blocking my eyes. I slept in front of Ji Sae's room. I sighed. Yes. I'm Jungie. I lied because i wanted her to surprise her one day. And i bet she'll be happy, because she love Jungie so much. I know that.

But soon i realise, she started hating me. As in Jungie, she hated Jungie. And fell for me instead. I mean me, Jungkook. It means so much to me knowing she fell for me but hates Jungie. I wanna tell her but she found out about it herself.

I'm stupid. Yeah, i know. My eyes hurt from crying. And yes, i left Ji Sae when we were friends, 6-7 years ago. Because i auditioned at BigHit and became a trainee. I debuted too. And i came back to her life. I lied telling her that i went to California because of family problems.

I was in Korea all along. I got up, opening Ji Sae's door slowly. Suddenly my head played yesterday's scene. Her gun directly on my head. I would have been dead by now if i didn't leave her room.

I open the door fully. No one. "Baby?" - i called. No answer. Maybe she's in the toilet. I knock on her door and called her. Nothing. I push the door open, nobody. I went to her closet, still nobody.

I walk back to her room. The mess on her bed. Our memories, all around her room. Where did she go? I sighed. I went to her balcony, looking around.

A white cloth caught my attention. I grab it and look down. She ran away. My baby ran away. I sighed for the nth time. I started crying. I hurt her and hurt myself. I don't care if she's a gangster. It's weird for me that she's a gangster.

She doesn't look like one. She's too pretty to be one. Whatever, i don't care if she's one. I love her for what she is. Deeply in love and Married A Gangster. I hung my head low and wipe my tears. I walk down to the living room and sit on the couch. I dialed my hyungs.

"Jungkook-ah! Wassup!" - Hoseok hyung said in his cheerful voice.

I let out a small smile. "Nothing." - i said plainly.

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