Help-500 word short story

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Help is an interesting word. I find that help will always be there for those who ask for it. To quote one if my favourite movie characters, Professor Dumbledore, ‘Help will always be available at Hogwarts to those who ask for it’. Some don’t want help; some deny their problems so they don’t have to look for help. I will forever look for help whenever I need it even though sometimes it may be hard to express my feelings or say out loud what my problems are. Even though there were many things putting me off going to Catchpoint, a special therapy service for those who are adopted, I felt that I needed help.

At the time I wasn’t going to school, I felt suicidal, depressed and would never leave my bedroom or den. I decided it was the right decision to go there and get the help I needed. My therapist Joy was the loveliest person I have ever met, she tried to help me answer the fact that I have choices and I need to make choices. She used many different ways of helping to identify the choices in many different situations, I remember one time she told me that ‘You have choices, these choices are very important’, as I wasn’t going to school at the time she helped me to look at why I wasn’t going to school, and helped me to find other forms of achieving my GCSE’s, choices of where to go. She helped me to realise that education is important and that I needed to make important decisions. To quote Mr Nelson Mandela ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’.

She helped by identifying my passions with cookery and photography, as I was feeling low, I believe at this time she was trying to make me feel good about myself in my lowest time. It helped when she invited me to a gala dinner so I could meet other children who needed help. After this, she invited me to help at a garden photoshoot, which was auctioned off at the gala. This was a time where she said I could use my skill and emotions to create some amazing photos, I will always treasure that day, and it gave me the chance to release my creative mind and use my passion, it was fantastic. The rush I had was immense.

Now I am a more cheerful person, I really do believe that Joy changed my opinion on life and made me feel very good about myself. She taught me to make the right decisions, as I come up my GCSE’s right now and I am making important decisions, I have learnt to make the right ones. I have learnt that if I ever need help there will always be somebody who can help me. A shoulder to lean on, a hand to hold, a body to hug. I had help, and it changed my life. Help. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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