Chapter One

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I've been waiting for this moment for months, Magcon NYC. Of course, my friend Avery and I bought the VIP tickets for all three days. Her favorite was Matt Espinoza and mine was Shawn Mendes. I remember when I saw his first vine, totally mesmerized by his voice. I would stay up all night listening to his counting stars cover, which was my favorite. It was serendipity, never knew that I would love a person I've never met so much. Me and Avery took the bus home from school everyday and all we'd talk about was this day, we planned everything. We went shopping for hours for this weekend and the day has finally come.

It was Friday, my alarm clock rang at 6:45am. Magcon day. But first I had to go through hell, school. I dragged myself out of bed reminding myself that this was the day that I will meet my idol. I went to the bathroom, went in the shower and turned on the hot water. The shower is one of my favorite places to be, as embarrassing as that sounds. I thought "What will I say when I meet him?" I've written him a heartfelt letter and made him a black and white bracelet. I was making senerios in my head of what I'll say to him tonight. Shawn is my inspiration. I've always loved music, but he made me love it even more. In my letter, I made sure that he knew that, so he'll feel proud of himself. I jumped out of the shower, and brushed my teeth. I put on jeans, boots and a random school sweatshirt. I left my dark brown wavy hair to dry, even though I knew it would turn out like a lions mane. I put on some makeup, eyeliner, mascara, and concealer and grabbed my bag and went out the door.

The day dragged by. I was in my favorite class, chorus, thinking about Shawn and how proud he would be if he saw me sing. That's why I always sang my best. Finally, last period geometry. I hate math and always will. The bell rang, it was three o'clock, finally the school day ended. Just three more hours until my weekend begins. I went outside to the bus stop and I saw Avery and ran up to her. We were both so excited. "Ready?" she said. "Ready?, I've been ready for 6 months." I replied. We laughed and got on the bus. My ex boyfriend, Justin was on the bus with his headphones in as usual. I broke up with him because he was way too mean and he didn't always tell the truth. I looked through his messages one time and I saw that he and his ex girlfriend were talking again, like "talking talking". I immendenily broke up with him and I didn't wanna hear those useless words come out of his mouth. By the way, this happened like a month ago, but I don't wanna think about him and our past, I wanna think about the future, meeting my idol.

When I got off the bus, a cold chill hit my face. Of course, it's new York where it's 5 degrees out. I waved to Avery who stayed on. "Pick you up at 5" she texted me. I walked home quickly so I could get ready. I thought to myself in three hours, I can cross something off my bucket list, this once in a lifetime opportunity. Once I got home,I walked to my fridge since I didn't eat anything all day, yeah yeah I know it's bad. I ate some left over pizza from the other day and scrolled down my twitter feed. "New York Magcon get ready" tweeted Bart, the created of the lovely Magcon. I quickly went up the stairs, into my room and turned on some music. I curled my hair and fixed up my makeup. My favorite song "Let her go" came on and of course I started singing along. I love listening to the lyrics because it connects to real life, not like singing about drugs and money. It actually means a lot, and I love it. Reminds me of Shawn. I went to my closet and pulled out my brand new outfit. Ripped high waisted jeans(which made my butt look really good) and this red crop top that says Canada on it in white. I was absolutely obsessed with Canada even way before shawn. I went there two years ago and I fell in love with it. It felt like home.

Oh no, 4:45! I quickly put on my outfit with the same boots I wore to school, and put on my music note necklace which I wore everyday. Avery texted me "be there in 10". I finished getting ready and ran downstairs. I looked once more in the mirror and grabbed my jacket. Avery was already outside. Even though I knew how to drive, she insisted. The way to Magcon we put on Shawns covers, of course, to get us in the mood. The ride was pretty quick, it was only 45 minutes. It was 5:50 and we got inside the building. While waiting online to get inside, I pulled out my phone and went to the front camera to look at myself. I actually look pretty decent, I thought to myself. Then we got in. There was a fairly large amount of girls there, but I thought there would be more. Anyways I was here and all that mattered right now was meeting the boys.

The meet and greet was first and when the boys came out, my heart sunk. Nash came out first, then Matt, and Avery started freaking out. Then carter, jack and jack, Cameron and then Shawn. I saw him for the first time with my own eyes. How I wish I could relive that moment again. Words cannot explain how wonderful it felt. All the anticipation lead up to this moment.

We went to stand on the meet and greet line, and first we met Matt because Avery begged me that we should go see him first. She went up to him first and she literally could not talk, she was so starstruck. "Ave speak!" I said. Matt chuckled and Avery blushed. "Hi", she said. "Im a really really big fan of yours" "Yeah, I can tell" Matt said while laughing and hugging her. They took a bunch of pictures and she literally made him sign everything. Then I went up to him. "Hey Matt" I said. He said " Hey, what's your name??" "Sandra" "Imma call you sandy he said while holding onto me. We took three or four pictures and he signed my Magcon shirt. I looked at Avery and it looked like she was gonna burst in tears. She gave Matt another hug and we walked away for the next group of girls to come meet him. Avery was being unusually quiet and I asked her if she was okay. "Mhm, I just need a couple of minutes to calm down" she said. "Haha, alright but I'm going to meet Shawn". I said to her as I walked away. She followed me to where Shawn was standing. Our eyes met and I felt like the entire world was looking at me.

I went up to him, not knowing what to say. "Hey, it's nice to meet you" he said, and then pulled me into a hug. He was so tall, my face went into his chest, which smelt really good. When we pulled away, he looked at my shirt and said "Canada, eh?" and i laughed because it was so sterotypical of him to say that.I became really shy, and said "Shawn, I want you to know, that you've influenced my life so much. Keep doing what your doing." I didn't want to sound too corny, but I had a feeling i did. When I said that his face just lit up. " I promise, I will." Then, we took a bunch of pictures and of course, I had to kiss him on the cheek. Then, he pulled out his phone and said "I want a picture with you, your my inspiration." When I heard those words, I basically melted. Then, he handed me his phone. I looked at him and he said "Put your number in". He took my phone, and he put his number in. I never thought this would happen, every girl wants this and I, Sandra, got it. I put my number in and gave his phone back to him, smiling. "Please, don't tell anyone, the last time this happened, the poor girl got death threats, and I don't want that to happen to you" he said. "I won't I promise" I said back. Then he signed my Magcon shirt, and I gave him my phone to sign. On the shirt, he wrote: To Sandra, I'm your #1 fan❤ I love you love, shawn. Before I left, I gave him the bracelet I made him and the letter. "This letter, its very heartfelt, I really want you to read it." I said. He nodded "of course I will". I gave him one last hug and he kissed my forehead. Then, I walked away because I was blushing too hard.

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