☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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Sogo had a problem. Sogo always had problems, most of which, were traced back to Tamaki.

Ah yes, Tamaki Yotsuba, a first year in class 5, who Sogo became close to in this last year trough the schools idol appreciation club, which they both joined, along with some other people.

When Sogo first met Tamaki he thought he was annoying and immature like most first years(Sogo was a second year), and guessed that he probably wouldn't like him. However, after a few conversations and an understanding that they shared an intense love for the same idol group, IwaXOI4, He became more and more fond of Tamaki.

He wasn't wrong though, Tamaki was immature at times and was very temperamental but Sogo couldn't complain. He honestly found Tamaki overall very cute, with his long light blue-ish hair, airy blue eyes, cute pudding obsession, and even cuter fear of the dark (witch he claims to have never told anyone about other than Sogo).

Because Sogo didn't already have friends, Tamaki very quickly became someone he was with all the time. They became very close in a matter of no time, and Tamaki became the only person Sogo could trust completely and always be honest with.

At the moment though, Sogo hadn't talked to Tamaki in about 72 hours and it was driving him crazy. He didn't even know what he did, but it must have been bad because Tamaki never stayed mad at him for this long.

"If only Tamaki would talk to me." Sogo said to himself. "If only I could understand what I did wrong."

"Oh Tamaki," Sogo humed, "I just want to make it right..." Sogo whispered before he closed his eyes, falling asleep on his desk over all his finished homework.


Tap tap tap tap.

Sogo furiously opens his eyes, rain tapping on his window. Unsure of the time, he looks out the window, it was still dark and raining hard. He looked at his clock. 5:30 AM.

"Great." Sogo muttered. He usually has trouble falling asleep after he wakes up. He pushed himself off the desk, whipping his eyes. Stretching for a long moment, he stares out the window again, this time at the house on the other side of the street. The light was on. Who's up this late? He thought to himself, then again, he was.

Sogo got up, grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt and put them on. He opened his room door to see if anyone was awake. No one in his family was up. He slowly and carefully creeped out of his room, down the stairs, put on his shoes, and closed the house door behind him.

He had a place that he would go to when he was having a bad day and no one was their, the neighborhood part, he went there to be alone and proses his thoughts.

As he walked to the park, he felt the wind against his face and the rain fall on him. He didn't bring a jacket and hoped that he would catch a cold.

Once Sogo got to the park he decided to sit on the swings. As he approaches them tough, he sees a figure has already taken his place. The closer he gets, the more he can make out the figure, shoulder length light blue hair tied in a ponytail on the back, hideous white sweater that was oddly familiar, and sent that reminded him of a close friend.

Once he realized who the figure was, it was too late, because he had heard Sogo and turned around.

"Tamaki-kun." Sogo breathed. Tamaki just looked away, not saying a word.

A flare of anger spread trough Sogo, all his sadness evaporated to pure rage. He couldn't take not being with him, he was suffering, and if Tamaki couldn't see that, why should Sogo be the one apologizing?

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