Ari Evans

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"This is stupid, why can't I be out there with everyone else, father?" Ari signed impatiently as she sat in one of the chairs in my office. "You are to young, my dear." I said calmly as I put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm seventeen, every other mutant is younger or older than me and still gets to go out side of here. Hell even Hank gets to go out of here and he's blue with fangs fur and hands for feet!" Ari signed angrily.

"I just don't want you to get hurt like last time, Ari." I told her.

Six years ago
Ari was an orphan at an orphanage in London, England. She was partially deaf, but she had extraordinary gifts. The power to manipulate people's blood (blood bending, the ability to control people's blood against their will), shape shifting into any creature she wanted, supersonic screams, manipulating elements and many others still to be discovered. I was searching for other mutants with Scott and Storm when we came across a nine year old girl on the ground creating a small fire tornado.
"Hello, Ari. My name is Storm. I'm like you. May I show you?" She asked kindly. The girl nodded, her black hair falling loosely around her face. Storms eyes turned white as the sky brighten and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Ari's eyes widened in surprise. We could see the bruises all over her body, her swollen lip and eye. The makeshift cast that held her arm.
"You aren't here to hurt me are you?" She signed meekly. I shook my head, "We have a school, for gifted people like you. You can learn to control your powers, Ari." I explained softly. She nodded and grabbed my hand before looking up at me softly and asking, "will you adopt me, Charles?"
I was a little taken back at first but nodded before walking into the orphanage.
"Finally, someone's willing to take this freak. You are aware that she has.....abilities right?" The foster mother asked. I nodded, "we are aware" I filled out the paperwork and took Ari home with me. She told me, Storm and Scott that she was bullied for being gifted, the foster mother would barely feed her and always beat her. Ever since then I've been Ari's father.

Storm walked into my office, "we found a kid named James, and let me tell you, he has amazing abilities." I nodded, "how old is he?" I asked. Storm shrugged, "about Ari's age, eighteen or seventeen."

Third person POV

Ari's eyes light up as she ran towards the lobby where a new kid was standing. He had black hair, piercing blue eyes, light skin, he was tall but he had muscles. To say that Ari liked him was an understatement. But she didn't like him for his looks, she could tell that he had an amazing personality but a troubled past.

Ari was pulled out of her trance and walked towards the boy "My name's Ari, you must be James. I hear you have amazing abilities." She said as she stuck out her hand to shake. James took her hand and shook it, "what are your abilities?" James asked. "My father will let me show you if you show us yours." Ari said as Charles came walking down the hallway.
"Welcome to Charles Xavier's school for gifted children. My name's Charles Xavier, you've meet Ari, my daughter. Would you prefer to show us your abilities right here or will it get messy?" Charles asked. James nodded, "it won't get messy, just scary." Ari nodded, "The gyms busy, the courtyard is full of people, I suggest your office father."

Time skip: Charles office five minutes later:

The three were in Charles office when James got mad and a black mist came from his hands, making all of the plants in the room die. "That's just the beginning I  can't age or get hurt either if I do, I'll just heal." He explained. Ari nodded. Charles turned to look at Ari, "I think it's only fair that we show him yours, Ari." Ari nodded before making a water ball form in her hand, Ari tossed it from hand to hand. The water vanished then a wolverine made of fire appeared in her hand, James started in awe as a small tornado appeared in the palm of her hand. A small flower appeared in the tornado as well. Then Ari closed her hands and the tornado vanished. She took a step towards James and held her finger out and touched his chest, sending a jolt of electricity through him. "That was amazing." James said.
Ari giggled, "that's just the beginning, but father told me to only use those ones when I'm in danger."

James nodded, understanding. "Ari, go show James around the school, please." Charles said. Ari nodded before linking arms with the boy and running out of Charles office and to Ari's bedroom.

"You said that you had other abilities, what's the least dangerous one?" James asked Ari. The girl sighed as she brushed a strand of white hair from her pale face. "Give me an animal, alive or extinct, real or fake." She said. "Black lion." James said simply.
Ari nodded and winced in pain as she felt her bones start to shift. She looked down to see black paws, she started at James who was looking at her in astonishment. "Is that all you can shift into?" He asked. Ari shook her head before shifting back. "Do you always shift with clothes on?" He asked Ari shook her head, "I have to think about me being human with clothes on." Ari said. James nodded and sat down on the balcony in her room.
"Where's James going to sleep, father?" Ari asked as she mind-linked her father.
"I was thinking he could sleep in your room, for the next few days, if you don't mind." Charles said.
"Okay, that would be fine with me, father." Ari said as she turned and looked at James. "Looks like you're going to be sleeping in my room for the next few days." She said.

Night time 12:30 am
The two young mutants spent the whole night talking about their past friends and the first time they discovered their abilities and it was Ari who decided to go first.

"When I was six, my mother had passed. My father had blamed it all on me. So he beat me, day in day out. If I did something wrong he would whip me. One day I had had enough so I screamed and I willed his blood to take a gun and put it to his head -his blood was still in his body, of course- and he pulled the trigger. He landed dead on my kitchen floor.
I was so shocked, I cried and got so overwhelmed with my emotions that my body was engulfed in flames, there was water spraying from the sink, the wind outside was blowing really fast, plants were growing rapidly, and the lights in my house were flickering on and off.

I ran, as fast as my legs would carry me. I ran to London, and found an orphanage. I was cold, wet, and crying, the woman who owned the orphanage was really nice. I was in her care for a few years till she died. Then her daughter became the owner/ mother of the house. That woman was evil, I showed one of the girls my element powers and she told the mother of the house.

She wasn't too happy about my gifts so, she locked me in the basement with hardly any food or water. She beat me, same as my father.
Then Charles, Storm, and Scott found me when I was nine years old. Charles adopted me, and I've been here, in America ever since then." Ari said, a tear sliding down her face. James whipped the tear away as he hugged Ari tightly.
"Your turn, James." Ari said with a smile. James patted his lap. Ari lay on James' lap and looked up at him. "When I was little, my mom and dad were together but my dad was an alcoholic.
He constantly beat me and my mother, we were so terrified. I had had enough of it, one day that I screamed and a black mist surrounded my body and knocked me out. When I woke up, I found myself surrounded by rubble, my father laying a few feet beside me, dead and my mother, no where in sight. I ran, all the way from Oregon to here." James explained, Ari nodded before sitting up excitedly.
"Lets play truth or dare." She said. James groaned in response.

AN: Hi, so this is my first X-Men story so if it doesn't sound good, please comment and make suggestions. No hate, nice comments please, thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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