Niall Horan Love Story

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Jessica babe calm down."

"No I will not calm down! You're supposed to be here at the party I threw for you once you came back! It makes me look pathetic that you're not here."

"I'll be there in two hours tops, let them know it's my fault alright?" I heard her sigh.

"Okay, just please get here soon? I miss you..." I smiled.

"I miss you too." I sighed looking down from the plane window.

"You know Niall, I don't get why you and Noe haven't gotten together yet. You've been best friends since you were in diapers." Liam said. I scoffed.

"She'd never date me, she probably thinks I've changed from the Niall she knew. Management won't even let me have a girlfriend." I replied. He patted my shoulder.

"Who gives a shit about management, if you want her then get her Niall." he coached. I smiled shaking my head.

"Yes sir!"

Our plane landed about an hour or so later. I felt jet lag instantly but ignored it as I raced to Jessica's house. I saw a couple of cars there hearing the music inside. I walked in seeing poeple turn and shout,

"WELCOME HOME NIALL!" Noelle was giggling and right in the middle of it. I laughed saying hi to some old friends as I made my way over to her.

"This is legit the best party in the history of parties." I said hugging her tightly.

"Why thank you I'm very talented." she joked.

"Very funny, come on let's find somewhere quiet to talk." I said holding her hand. She took me out to the patio and leaned against the rail.

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked. I walked to her leaving less than a foot of space between us.

"Us." I said looking into her eyes.

"W-What about us?" she replied.

"Jessica, you've known me since we were in the sandbox. We lived next door for 16 years and walked to school everyday together. I was there to beat up any guy who made you cry and you helped me with every bad break up I ever knew. All this time I thought, what would it be like to date her? I'd know everything she liked and loved, I'd know how to cheer her up, I'd know what makes her laugh and I wouldn't have to get to know her any better than she knows me." I said.

"But most of all, I'd finally find the one person that had my" I finished. She covered her mouth and smiled.

"Damn it Niall." she said hugging me. I laughed and kissed her head.

"I'm taking that as you love me." I replied. She laughed sniffling.

"I always loved you, I just thought you would forget about me on your famous adventure." she told me.

"Like I could ever forget you!" I exclaimed cupping her face in my hands.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yes!" she agreed laughing. I leaned in and kissed her feeling complete. Like I found the other half of me. I was only half a heart without her, haha hey that'd be a good song name.


"Hey, hey, hey!" I said covering my eyes as I walked in.

"Niall you can't see her!" Sophia exclaimed.

'That's why I covered my eyes you silly ninny!" I replied laughing.

"Well I'll tell you this, she looks beautiful." Perrie told me.

"Can I at least get a little kiss?" I asked. Noelle laughed. I felt her soft lips press on my cheek.

"Aww you missed!" I exclaimed making them laugh.

"Now go out there with your fellow groomsmen Ni." Shannon said. I sighed walking out there to join my friends. Liam was my best man of course. He was the one to push me and Noelle together. Now look at us, five years later we get married. Sure we had a few bumps here and there dealing with fans and management but we got through it, together.

The pianist began playing and we all got in place. I felt my heart race seeing her come down the aisle. Not able to help it I felt tears swell up in my eyes and I covered my mouth. She was so beautiful it almost took my breath away.

Her brown curls bounced as her father led her down the aisle, I could still see that smile peeking from her lips. The dress complimented her greatly as this was the first time I ever saw it. Harry's daughter Darcy was the flower girl and  went up to her dad giving him a flower.

"I saved you a flower Daddy." she said holding one up to him. He smiled bending down to her level.

"Thank you sweet pea, go sit with mummy now." he replied kissing her head. Him and Shannon were young parents, but I've gotta give them credit with Darcy. She's the most sweetest girl I've ever met.

"Do you Niall James Horan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedde wife?" I smiled.

"I do."

"And do you, Noelle Janet Lowe, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife! You may now kiss the bride." I chuckled leaning in to give her a kiss hearing people cheer and clap. We walked outside to our car seeing bubbles everywhere. Darcy and Zayn's daughter Aysha were running around blowing bubbles together. Zayn and Perrie blew bubbles to us laughing and Zayn pecked her on the cheek.

We were all happy, Liam had Sophie, Harry had Shannon who had Darcy, Louis had Sabra, Zayn had Perrie and they're daughter Aysha, and I had Noelle. We did pretty good if I do say so myself.

"We better get busy if we wanna catch up with Harry and Zayn." I teased making her blush.

"I'd love to have kids! We'll have like ten!" she joked.

"No we should be that one American family 19 kids and counting." I replied nodding. We laughed getting ready to leave for our honeymoon.

"But seriously Niall, I wouldn't mind a couple little Horans running around." she said smiling. I kissed her breifly.

"Me either."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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