Deadly - part 1

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it was black. everything. nothing.

until suddenly they opened their eyes and gasped loudly, the limited space bringing them into a panicked state, their eyes widened as they focused on controlling their breathing so no oxygen from the limited space was filled up. they could've sworn they had died. clearly they had a funeral as they were in a fucking coffin probably buried underground.

they patted their hands all over their body to see how long they had been in the coffin, as a dead corpse. nothing rotting or skeletal, so they haven't been dead long. a small ray of light then shone through the coffin and hit their face. they squinted slightly as that their eyes were sensitive. they then moved their hands towards the light and made the gap bigger

more light shone through as they dug their way out of the coffin and into reality. no one was around luckily enough and they jumped up onto the muddy soil surrounding their grave. it said their name and when they died, so this is all reality and they are legally dead. but somehow they still managed to cheat death.

there was a raven sitting on their grave looking at them. they tried to shoo it away but it didn't move, instead it hopped down onto the ground in front of them and tilted its head. then it unexpectedly started talking,

"you have been given a second chance" the raven said,

"what do you mean" was the reply they gave the raven.

"your murderer is still out there. and you have to take revenge in order to rest in peace"

"and how am I going to do that?"

"ill be damned if I fucking know. just kill that bastard that killed you and then you can finally sleep in that fucking box" it said before flying off. they looked at the flying raven in confusion and then used the gravestone to stand up shakily,

"so kill the murderer and then I can rest in peace" they muttered to themselves as they dusted their black dress off of any dirt that gathered there when they crawled out of the grave.

"HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!" they shouted and thunder started up,

they started their long walk away from the graveyard in hopes of finding some shelter before any rain hit, and so they could figure out how in the world they were going to get their revenge on their murderer. that's if they even wanted revenge.

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