Untitled Part 1

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Lucy Heartfillia:

I stared at my next assignment, Natsu Dragneel. He's causing collateral damage throughout the city of Magnolia. I've already been briefed on what to do by my guild's, The Purifier's, master. Go to the city, find Natsu, get him to trust me, find his weakness and kill him. Then I move onto the next guy. She's already removed my guild mark, an apple core with a flame surrounding it. It was a needed step just in case he was smart enough to check my guild mark. My skin felt bare without it on the inside of my thigh. I'm officially not a member of the guild that took me in when I had no one.

Taking a deep breath I shoved the paper into my packed bag and went to board the train. On the train I could hear a loud voice asking when the train would stop. The only open seat was near that voice. I made my way to that empty seat, my 13 golden keys swaying next to my many silver ones. The owner of the voice was out of my vision. But right next to the annoying one was a redhead. She wore armor and was scolding the loud one. Next to her sat an almost black hair guy. He was only wearing his underwear and asking where his clothes went. On both of their skins was a strange marking. The same one my Spirit Loki has on his back.

My curiosity got the better of me and I leaned over and tapped the half naked man on the shoulder. With a grunt he looked at me slightly surprised. "Excuse me but I was wondering what that symbol on your chest stood for." I said as nicely as I could.

With a smirk he replied, "That means that I'm a Fairy Tail wizard. Anyone who is an actual wizard would know so that means you aren't a magic user. Why do you want to know?" Frowning I hear the redhead knock out the annoying guy. Feeling as though it would be easier to show him I summoned Loki.

"Hello Princess what may I do for you today?" His smooth voice sounded after appearing with a flash of light. The half naked dude stood up and bear hugged my spirit.

"Loki, where have you been? The guild's missed you. Don't tell me you've been to busy working to pop in." Loki and the stripper started chatting before I chose to butt in.

"Loki, we have a new assignment and next time you go off and join a guild, maybe you should let me know. You know I've been looking for one." I emphasized that last part so he would understand.

"But Miss. Lucy you're in The Purifiers." I mentally face palmed at his stupidity. The stripper's eyes widened.

"Actually I was kicked out, remember?" I replied through gritted teeth and held up my leg as proof. "I wasn't down with the whole way they went about silencing their victims and they booted me." I lied right through my teeth. No reason for anybody to question me.

"Oh right it must have slipped my mind. Anyhow I must be going I have a date tonight." Loke must have understood that I was on a mission as he forced his gate closed. Giving the stripper a tight smile he extended his hand.

"Hey I'm Gray and that's Erma. The sleeping blue cat is Happy and the knocked out idiot is Flame breath." Even though I couldn't see the last two I nodded. "A friend of Loki's is a friend of ours, give us a shout if you ever need anything."

"I'm Lucy, thanks I might just pick you up on that offer." Turning my head I looked out the window. A voice on the intercom made the announcement that we were in Magnolia. Swiftly I grabbed my things and made a move to get off the train. As I was trying to lose myself within a crowd, a rough hand grabbed onto me. Preparing myself to beat the crap out of whoever it was I turned my head. Grabbing me was Gray.

"Sorry about that, I was just curious as to why you are in Magnolia."

"I'm trying to find someone, what are you doing here?" I asked with a fake smile.

"My guild is here." His guild huh well I don't remember if this Natsu guy is in a guild, but maybe Gray knows who he is.

"Oh, hey do you want to help me find this guy. All I have is his name. My father wanted me to give him money for helping him out a while back." Another lie slid right through my teeth, my fake smile still in place.

"Yeah sure I was just heading over to the guild if you want to talk about it." He answered with a handsome grin.

We began walking to his beloved guild and I began to talk. "So like I said all I have is his name. His name is Natsu Dragneel..." I was cut of by a laugh.

"You're looking for Flame breath? Oh wow, well lucky you he was on that train and he's apart of the guild." He looked at me with joy in his eyes. "Hey speaking of the guild you should join." My thoughts fluttered to the master saying how that was in my best interest. With a smile I nodded my head. This one wasn't fake though. Someone actually wanted me to be with them.

We got to a large door in which Gray burst open yelling that 'We have a new recruit'. People looked over at us. But one in particular came running into his arms screaming. "Gray-sama you're finally back" My hope that this boy I had just met wanted to be with me were crushed. The only reason he asked me to join was because he's polite. Only my master cares. She's always been the only one that cares about me.

A boy at the bar flashed me a smile. His grin made me melt. His hair was a pinkish color. Maybe I needed to get out more if boys were doing this to me. His hair color was on my mind when a lady that goes by the name Mira was giving me my guild mark. Now on the back of my hand was the color of his hair. Mira gave me a knowing look and a wink before turning to leave.

Then very loudly Gray shouted that 'Match stick need to get over here.' The boy at the bar stood up and made his way over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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