The Story of Boulder,The Minecraft Dog

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FlareWolf walked threw the woods lonley. All if her friends had a wolf.But not her.She looked around, looking for a wolf to tame.But there was no wolf to be seen.She thought and thought. Flare had a lot of bones with her, just in case.Why couldn't she find a wolf!?Flare walked to her house. she put the bones back in her chest.Then there was a knock at the door.Flare opened the door and saw her friend,Maddie."Hey!" She said happy."Hi.."Flare murmured."Whats wrong?" she asked."I just want a dog, like everyone else."Flare mumbled."Well, you just have to be patient."she said.The sun started to set."I got to go before its gets dark or i will just die."she said rushing off.Flare sighed and plopped down on her bed.Her diamond sword was on top of her crafting bench.Usually fighing mobs always made her feel better.So flare grabbed the sword  and opened her door and saw a million mobs.Flare's eyes blazed with fury.She leaped at a zombie and stabbed her sword in the zombie's head. Then she felt a stab of pain in her back shoulder. She looked at her shoulder and saw an arrow. She turned around to see a skeleton. She threw her self at the skeleton and threw her sword at the skeleton's head.Flare picked the sword up. She punched zombies and cut skeleton's heads off.Flare heard a hissing sound, that one noise was familar.A Creeper.She quickly turned around and she saw a flash and she fell backward.She slowly got up, sore and injured.A creeper had made her fall back.More mobs came after her.She couldn't fight all these mobs.And her house was covered and surrounded with mobs.The only choice she had was to run.She ran with her might.She saw a small cave. She looked in and there were no mobs.She went inside.Luckily she had a few torches.She placed one down.Then she heard barks, dog barks.She turned and saw a young male wolf. The wolf was wild.She didn't have any bones with her. So she let the wolf be.The sun was rising and the mobs were burning so she decided to head back home.Flare limped home.A few moments later she still heard dog barks.Flare looked behind her and saw the same wolf she had seen in the cave.The wolf was following her.She pretended to not notice it.

~The wolf still followed Flare home and went inside her house and left the wolf outside~

Flare sighed and put her sword in the chest.She looked out her window and saw the wolf was still there.She decided to tame the wolf.Flare grabbed a TON of bones from her chest.She walked out side and it took her at least 15 wolves to tame the wolf.Finally she tamed him.She couldn't think of a name for him.She built him a dog house and she had one sigh to put on the front of his doghouse.Flare stared at him thinking for a name.She looked down at his gray fur, he was such a strong dog as strong as a...Then it hit her, He was as strong as a Boulder!"Ok, your new name his Boulder."She said to him. All he did was bark and wagged his tail.That made Flare laugh and smile. She finally had a best friend.

~Boulder and flare fought mobs together every single night, and slept and hunted together~

There was a knock on Flare's door.Maddie.She opened the door and greeted her and told her to come in.Maddie saw Boulder."WOW!So u finally got a dog!"She said in exitment.Flare nodded.Usually Maddie and flare liked to hit each other for fun, but that didn't work with Boulder to well... Maddie joked about her dog jumping on her bed and hit flare playfully.Then Boulder growled and barked and attacked Maddie and killed her.Maddie spawned back.Her face full with anger."Im sorry he only knows me.. he didn't know u very well yet."Flare told her to calm her down."Its ok i understand."Flare turned to Boulder."Boulder stay here, your not going to go hun ting with us for what u did."Flare told him.Boulder just barked.Flare forgot to put him in the doghouse so he just sat outside.

~A few hours later~

Maddie and Flare came back and pet Boulder. It was dark when they got back.They ran inside to cook the meat and give some to Boulder.When they walked back.They saw 2 creepers trying to blow up the house.Boulder growled and barked and leaped in front of the creepers protecting Maddie and Flare.Flare's eyes widened and she screamed,"NOOO!!" The first creeper went ahead and blew up not hurting anything or anyone.The other creeper exploded and the flash blinded Maddie and flare.They both flew back and fell on the ground.They slowly got up when the sun was rising.Flare remember everything."BOULDER!!!"Flare screamed.Maddie stood up and opened her eyes.They saw half of Flare's house torn down and a hole in front of the house.But Flare didn't care she looked down into the hole and she couldn't believe what she saw.She saw Boulder laying on the ground,limp.Tears streamed down Flare's face.She jumped into the hole not caring of it hurt.She stared and picked up Boulder and rested him into her left.Boulder was a hero.Boulder didn't move a mustle.Flare knew he was gone.She cryed.Maddie sat down with her.Flare didn't know what to do now."He saved our lives."Flare whispered crying.Maddie nodded.They sat there for a long time griefing for Boulder's loss.

~ A few hours later~

They had buried Boulder and made the grave beside Flare's house.Flare's eyes blazed with anger and rage.She had to get revenge...

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