In te mujicull werls uf fourie towl there once wus a boi nemed not sue. He an blue flyee mouse guy went to his house an ten not sue says "Ter es a yung boi in dat gutter"
"Ok les measure it"
Te gutter turned out te bae 420 gallons long
"O no lok at the teeny child"
"Halp me nem es rainy umbrella lady"
"Mm look at her smoky positive minor-league onion face" ses not su
Blue flyee mouse guy says" Qik use your fir brath to melt te gutter"
Nut sue used his fir brath to melt it"
"Thnks nut sue" says umbella lady
"I well gav yo me brilliant almond piramid to thank yo."
Nut sue says" No thank yo i alredy have a garndma"
Umbrella lady starts crying "i need a hot grandson tho" and the ground floods wit milk