Chuggaaconroy 2nd One-Shot

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*Lizz's POV*

I roll over to my back on my bed and look over to see it's starting to get late, I probably should get up. I first look at my phone to see my boyfriend Emile texted me.

Morning Lizz, just wanted to ask if you wanted to come over to play some games today. I though it could be just like a house-bound date. If you want I can order a pizza too.- Emile

I text him back saying "I would love to and what time I would be over there" He replies with "Okay, see you soon :)"  I get up and make my self some breakfast and get dressed. I put on a shirt that says "No pun intendo" and a pair of jeans. After watching a little bit of T.V, I slip on some nintendo socks and a pair converse and head on over to Emile's place.

*Emile's POV*

I pick up around my apartment so it'll look clean for Lizz. This will technically be our first date together. I gather up all games that I think she will want to play and some movies that I think she would like. About a half hour later, I hear a knock at the door, that must be Lizz. I run over to the door and open it to see my beautiful girlfriend. "Hey!" I exclaim hugging her. She hugs back and steps into the apartment. Lizz has been here before when I've asked her to film some runaway guys stuff with Tim, Jon and I, so she's pretty comfortable here. "So what do you have planned for today?" Lizz asks as she takes a seat on my couch. I sit down next to her, "Um, well I don't have a set plan but i just thought we could play some video games and watch some movies while we eat pizza" I say. "That sounds good with me, we should start with some Wii Party"  Lizz says running over to my recording room where all my games are. This is gonna be a lot of fun!

 *Lizz's POV*

We've been playing games for about 2 hours now. I decided to start filming a vlog for my personal channel. I pull out my phone and ask Emile if it's okay if I film him. He says "That's fine" so I turn on my phone and start talking to the camera. "Hey guys, I'm at Emile's house right now and we are playing video games. Right now we are playing Mario Kart 64" I say pointing the camera at Emile then the TV. I set the phone on his coffee table and aim it at the TV so i can record what we are playing. After 2 minuets of the of the track we are on it's almost over and I'm in 1st place. As I race past the finish line, I jump up and grab the phone. I cheer and point my phone at the TV so everyone can see my 1st place victory. "Good Job, Babe" Emile says reaching up his hand to give me a high five. I high five him and sit back down on the couch ending my vlog with Emile by my side. "Okay next is a movie?" Emile asks. "Sure what do you have?" I ask as Emilie turns off his Nintendo 64. He walks over to his room with his DVD's and I follow him. "What...about.................Wreck It Ralph?" Emile asks. "Sure, I love that movie!" I exclaim. "I'll order the pizza so we can watch it while we eat" Emile says.

(Time Skip)

*Emile's POV*

As we are watching the movie, I notice Lizz has started to fall asleep. She's so cute when she sleeps. I gently try to put my arm around her but the doorbell rings. She wakes up right as it rings, I quickly pull my arm from around her, trying to not get noticed by her. "Pizza's here" I say getting up quickly. Lizz pauses the movie so we don't miss anything. I give the pizza guy my money and take the pizza from him. Lizz gets up and follows me into the kitchen. I get out some paper plates and hand her a slice. I realize that I should not rush our relationship, I mean we haven't even had our first kiss yet. I just don't want to rush her into anything she doesn't want to do. I get myself a slice and sit down to continue the movie.

*Lizz's POV*

As the movie comes to an end, I look at my phone to check the time and realize it's getting late. "I should probably get going" I say, standing up. Emile stands up as well to lead me to the door. "I wish you didn't have to leave but it's okay" Emile says giving me a half smile. "I wish I didn't either" I say. Emile stands in front of me and cups my cheek with his hand. "For lack of respect, would you mind if I just kissed you right now?" Emile says staring into my eyes.  I start to blush and smile. "You're such a gentleman" I say leaning in closer and kissing him. For a moment he seemed slightly surprised, but then it set in and he started kissing back. I pull away after a few seconds and wave my hand goodbye. "See you later, babe"  Emile says blushing all shades of red. I smile and say "Thank you" as I leave. What a night!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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