Member Bio: THE-MILF

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Here is our delicious member THE-MILF

Here is our delicious member THE-MILF

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1) What is your favorite color?

my favorite color is green

2) What is your favorite animal?

I really love squirrels

3) What is your favorite genre of books?

romance, hot and steamy

4) What is your favorite book (print or Wattpad)

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and fever series by Karen Moning

5) What made you love reading/writing?

I really don't know I just always have.

6) What made you want to be apart of Wattpad?

An author that started on Wattpad

7) What are some tips you have for fellow readers and writers?

Do what you love. Don't listen to other people. They are jealous and want to hate.

8) Do you get mood swings when you are reading a book? How?

Yes all the time. When I get caught up with a character I feel what they are feeling.

9) Is there a type of character that you love or hate? Why?

Bad boys with a heart of gold.

10) Any inspiring words or quotes?

Do it for yourself and no one else.

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