.1 coming home

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"We will be arriving in Chicago shortly, please fasten your seat belts and prepare for the rocky landing." The pilot says over the speaker phone. I turn off my music and wrapped up my headphones. My mind was racing. I haven't seen my family in 4 years. What if they forgot about me, didn't like the new me, or hated me for leaving. I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head. Scenario after scenario popped into my head on how everything would play out. I was scared. Fuck that I was absolutely terrified. I dropped everything to come back home hoping to be welcomed with open arms. Now I'm thinking of how foolish that idea can be. 

"Excuse me miss, its time to get off the plane." The flight attendant politely tells me. I thank her for the notice and grab my carry on bag from the compartment overhead. I follow the signs to go collect the rest of my luggage and proceed to call a taxi. Other than the intense fear in my stomach, I relent in how much I've missed home.

 I get in the taxi and marvel at downtown  Chicago. The night is warm and breezy as we past by lake  Michigan. Navy Pier's lights awe me. They reconstructed the Ferris wheel and its beautiful. I put my head against the cool window and close my eyes and let out a sigh. My palms begin to sweat and my heart racing as we get closer and closer to my old home. The events of what took place there last replaying in my head.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The man yells back throwing me onto the couch. "STOOOOP! PLEASE LET ME GO!" I cry out. "DIDN'T I SAY BE QUIET!!"  He yells back covering my mouth. I was helpless. Trying to fight off a man twice my size. I couldn't do anything but cry and beg for him stop. I was all alone. 

"Miss, are you okay?" The taxi driver asks. Releasing me from my traumatic thoughts. I reply with a "Yes." and wipe the tears that I hadn't realized fell. "Ok, we are here. Do you need help with your bags?" He asks. "Thank you, but I can handle it myself." I look at the meter and hand him the twenty-seven dollars I owe him. I step out the car and almost fall over.

 My legs feel like jelly but I walk to the trunk to collect my bags. I grab the bags even with my arms feeling like lead. I close the trunk and tap it twice signaling he can drive off. I pick up my bags and begin walking to my home. I made the taxi driver drop me off 2 blocks away. I needed to collect my mind and thoughts before I got there. It's dark and the air is humid. The street lights overhead cast a shadow on the ground as I walk.

 I think of my little sister Rayelle as I walk. How much I've missed her, how she looked when I last saw her, her reaction when she sees me. I look around to see how far I had left to go. Three more houses. I could tell from where I was standing that our driveway was full. The lights were on and even from where I was you could hear the music. I continue to walk, each step heavier and heavier. 

Finally I make it. I walk up the stairs to the door and just stand there. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. I remember the present that I bought and get it out of my bag. I take several more deep breaths and knock. The music is cut off and I can hear the voices telling Rayelle to get the door. I hear her footsteps getting closer, her laughter and excitement of the party, and then her hand turns the knob. 

My heart stops.

"Hello-" She begins to say but chokes up when she sees me. Tears begin to weld in her eyes and she puts her hand to her mouth. I want to embrace and tell her I'm finally home and how much I've missed her. Then again I'm not sure if her reaction is positive or negative. She finally collects herself and stares at me. So many expressions going through her face I can't decipher them. I finally decided to speak.

"Happy 13th Birthday Rayelle." I say sadly tears running down my face as I hold out the gift I got her. My arms shake as I'm nervous she wont accept it . Wont accept me. She takes the gift setting it on the floor and walks up to me. My face is wet with tears and hers is too. My heart is beating so fast I'm worried she can hear it. Her next action breaks me completely. She wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly as if I'll disappear once again. We stay like this for a while until she speaks.

"I thought you left me forever." She cries out during the embrace "Never, Rayelle." I whisper back "I will never leave you again I promise." I tell her holding my sister closely under the dark Chicago sky. 

We stay like this for what seems to be forever, just holding each other and embracing each. Trying to hug out all the loneliness we've felt since I left. We pull away at the sound of footsteps coming towards the door trying to see what was taking Rayelle so long. My heart speeds up again. She looks at me sensing my panic. It's him. They way he walks, his booming voice, quirky laugh, all exactly how I remembered. The like time magically slowed down. There I was staring into the eyes of the man who made me leave, the man who made me feel unloved and disgusting. My father. 

Heyyyy Arshawna hereee, So this chapter is very emotional for some I actually cried writing it. Many things weren't addressed and that has a specific reason, everything will eventually fall into place hehe. Just for a refresher the main character's name is Rose. Her sister's name is Rayelle (Ray-Yale).  It's quite short but I didn't want to just add things to make the chapter longer. In my opinion no matter how long or short a chapter should end when it's done. Anywaysss enough about my preferences I hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter more to come soon. XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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