Once Upon A December~ A Ziall fanfic

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Dancing Bears, Painted wings things I almost remember and a song someone sings, Once Upon A December someone holds me safe and warm, Horses  prance through a silver storm 

Figures dancing gracefully, Across my memory

Someone holds me safe and warm, Horses prance through a silver storm figures dancing gracefully, across my memory far away, Long ago

Glowing dim as an ember things my heart used to know, Things it yearns to remember 

And a song someone sings......Once Upon A December 


Tonight was the night the royal family of Ireland celebrated a special night, Everyone was welcomed. Many people showed up  very elegant, They all waltz and chatted.

"Mama, may I have this dance?" Little Niall Horan politely asked, Trying to hold in the giggles a few escaped his lips , Queen Maura smiled and took Niall into her arms "Of course dear"  

The night contained of chatting and waltz dancing, Niall had danced with at least all of his family members, His Mama, Papa,Brother and Grandmother. Greg of course rolling his eyes at Niall's childness as he danced.

"This is a drawing that Greg drew of me....I don't quite think it looks like me.." Niall showed his grandmother as she sat on the throne and he sat infront of her, Niall examined the drawing.

Queen Margaret laughed at Niall's confusion, "I've got something for you" Niall's eyes brightened at that "What is it?" He asked excitingly , Margaret held out a tiny box , Niall took it in his tiny little fingers as he examined it "What is it? It is a jewelry box?"

Margaret shook her head as she quietly laughed "Look" She pulled out a tiny gold key, And stuck it in the key hole of the box, Spun it 4 times and it slowly opened as it softly played a lullaby, Niall gasped "It plays our lullaby!" 

Margaret nodded "You can play it at night before you go to sleep, and pretend that it's me singing" Niall smiled widely then soon frowned "I'm gonna miss you when you leave back to Paris" Niall frowned and Margaret frowned at the sight of her grandson upset.

She spun the the music box again and she begun to sing as the lullaby played. "On the wind cross the sea hear this song and remember" Niall soon joined her "Soon you'll be home with me Once Upon A December" They both sang

"Read what it says" Niall looked at the necklace that came with the music box and read out loud "Together in Paris" Niall smiled widely "Oh grandmama! Does this mean I'll get to be with you in Paris?" Niall asked with so much hope in his voice. 

Margaret nodded promising Niall that they would be together in Paris, But what they didn't know, They will never be together in Paris.

"Well, Well" The whole entire room went silent as an evil man walked into the room, He use to be a holy man but he was a fraud! He was very dangerous and evil, The man made his way into the ballroom. 

"How dare you return to the palace!" King Bobby Shouted, The evil man faked gasp "But what do you mean? I have only been under your commands!" King Bobby laughed "Ha! Under my commands?! The only thing you have been is a traitor!" King Bobby spat.

"Now banish!" King Bobby pointed out towards the exit "Banish me?" The evil man laughed loudly "You can't banish me!"

"By the dark powers vested in me, I banish you with a curse!" Everyone in the palace gasped "Mark my words! Everyone in your family will die! I will not rest until I see The Horan line end!" With that the evil man shot a green laser and suddenly disappeared

Everyone started screaming and running as little demons flew into the room destroying everything, They hissed and bit and got into your soul, Unfortunately the little demons possessed the soldiers of the kingdom into killing the royal family and anyone who got in their way!

Everyone in the palace quickly exited out the palace, but something was missing! Something didn't feel right! "My Music box! I have to go and get it!" Niall quickly ran back "Niall! Niall!" Margaret shouted and ran after him.

"Niall come back!" She yelled as Niall went into a room and opened a drawer to get his music box as Margaret entered the room a few soldiers had barraged into the room. A little boy with raven hair pulled Margaret and Niall into a little door.

As he hurried them through the little door Niall had dropped his music box, There was no way he was leaving it! "My music box!" Niall tried returning but the mysterious boy had pushed him back "Go! Go! they're coming!" Niall obeyed the boy and went through the tiny door.

As soon as the mysterious boy had closed the tiny door, The soldiers has spotted him "Where are they boy?!" The boy refused to answer, He instead threw whatever he could find at them.

The soldiers got frustrated and hit the boy in the head with one of their guns.

Knocking the boy unconscious they left in search for the royal family.

Running for their life, Margaret and Niall ran as fast as they could trying to catch up to the train "Niall! Hurry! Hurry!" She yelled as they tried running in time with the train, A man on the train had pulled Margaret on forgetting little Niall.

"Oh!" Margaret exclaimed trying to reach for Niall, "Grandmama!" Niall cried trying to run in time "Here! Take my hand!" Niall reached his hand and their hands connected "Don't let go!" As soon as those words left her lips, Niall's hand slipped out of her own.

Niall slipped and hit his head against the concrete "NIALL!"



Hey guys! So what do you think? 

So this is based off the movie Anastasia, I really love that movie! so some parts of this book will be based off the movie and some will be completly made up from my mind! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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