Forgotton Memories

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You didn't mean to break into the abandoned building down your street. And you definitely didn't intend on staying around for too long. But damn that cat and his curiosity.

At first you had stood out the front, gazing at the lonely, shabby old sign hanging grimly from the building. It seemed barely capable of holding on. But despite it's age and wear and tear, you could just make out the faint inscription:

 But despite it's age and wear and tear, you could just make out the faint inscription:

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You were meant to stop there. You were meant to turn away and arrive at that business meeting you weren't supposed to be late for. But it wasn't your fault, on a closer inspection, that the front door was unlocked. Old and creaky it may have been, but with enough force it gave way and swung open.

You were met with a rather morbid scene inside. The room was awfully dark, with barely any light streaming through the sheet-covered windows. Every step you took disturbed the dust and dirt upon the floor, and you could've sworn you heard the scurry of an animal close by. You scrunched up your nose against the dingy, damp odour and proceeded to look around.

Old, battered chairs and tables still sat within the room, some upturned and stacked precariously. A bar stretched the length of a wall, dented, chipped and stained. Even the roof showed off potentially dangerous exposed electrical wire. And not to mention the amount of missing roof panels.

You carefully stepped around the debris littering the floor and made your way out through a side door

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You carefully stepped around the debris littering the floor and made your way out through a side door. Instantly you stumbled across a barely visible path. Weeds and overgrown shrubs threatened to trip you, but you battled against them, determined to explore.

Your next challenge was deciding whether you should brave the set of stairs you stopped in front of. The flight was small, but seemed fragile and in need of repair. The onslaught of grown shrubbery and other flora twisting around the stairs didn't look safe either.

 But you were stubborn

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But you were stubborn. Who cares if you fell through and needed emergency services? It would get you out of work anyway.

You made your way up slowly, hand softly gliding along the crumbling rail. You halted at the top, casting your sights upon an average sized area invaded with different types of trees and bushes. Grass reached out through the cracked concrete pavement, and you could just make out the remains of more tables and chairs overrun by weeds. Even the old and battered water fountain at the back couldn't escape the plant's attack.

Surely, in it's time, the place would've been grand. People would have came here to relax, sipping their coffees and possibly reading their books or chattering away with a companion. But over the years, without love or care and it's sudden abandonment, the establishment withered away. It was surely a sad sight when thought about.

Finally having decided you'd explored enough, you made your way back down. Through the 'garden' and the torn building, right back through the front door. You were meant to start walking. You were definitely late as it was, and your boss wouldn't appreciate the hold up. But you couldn't help but linger at the doorstep, imagining the thriving place the coffee shop had once probably been. And when you finally did continue on your way, you couldn't help but cast one last look over your shoulder at the old, forlorn coffee shop sign.

One day someone would come along and repair the place. Then maybe it would be alive once again. Or it could be knocked down. For now you wouldn't know. But maybe, just maybe, you'd be around long enough to find out.

The old corner coffee shop was truly a mystery waiting to be solved.

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