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“Heh, Who are you? You’re not human are you?” A shadow said. “...” Was the only reply. “I guessed so. Good luck at keeping that secret. Monster.” The shadow said, disappearing.

“Why do you want know?” A Blue haired girl said calmly. “So you knew I didn't actually disappear. Congrats” The figure said, clapping slowly. “Answer my question!” The girl yelled. “Not telling you~” The figure teased.

Soon the girl woke up from the nightmare.

“Why? Why! WHY!” The girl yelled while the figure disappeared when she woke up, “Damn it! I hate you! Why do you keep pestering me!? Why do you keep reminding me of them!?”

“Why does fate do this to me! Why fate?! I just wanted a normal life as a real person! Not this monster!” The girl cried. She cried into the oblivion of her mind.

Before the girl cursed her fate, a hand came up and grabbed her hand. “ Why? Why Aladdin. Why does he keep us here!?” The girl cried out in the blue haired boys shoulder.

“I don't know Mavis. I don't know.” The boy said, sadly.

“Hey, why don't we calm down the sad atmosphere with a song?” Aladdin asked. “Sure.” Was the only reply from the girl.

Silver light 
She turned her face up to the starlit sky 
And on this night began to wonder why 
She knew that soon the day would come 

Born to be 
An heir of beauty and serenity 
Into this world she entered quietly 
To her surprise she was the one 

Destiny was close behind her 
Phantom of borrowed life 
And the sea was a reminder 
Mirror of given light 

Then one day 
The sign she'd waited for in skies of grey 
Traversed a winding road and came her way 
She found the love she hoped she would 

But she knew 
That she had promises to stay true to 
The dormant daughter of the silver moon 
Then all at once she understood 

Destiny was close behind her 
Phantom of borrowed life 
And the sea was a reminder 
Mirror of given light 

From the sky 
She watched the life 
She'd known she would leave behind 
Said goodbye 
And gave her people 
Life through her sacrifice

A Beautiful LullabyWhere stories live. Discover now