A Compulsion That Caused Me Misery

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"Hey love." I stated kissing her forehead crying. 

"Jacob why are you crying?" Alison questioned. 

"Because I have to do this." I replied.

"Do what?" She questioned. 

"Forget you ever loved me. When you see me you will know I am a vampire and keep my secret, but because you know my secret you will never fall for me and you will never remember anything we shared. All I am is just another face at school." I stated.

"You're just another face at school. I don't love you." She replied back to me.

"Goodbye Alison. I love you. This was the hardest thing I have ever done in my existence." I stated turning back and leaving out her window. 

   From afar I see her rush to her window sitting in it looking at the moon. I glance at her one last time as tears fall from both of my eyes abundantly and quickly. I rush back to my house and pour a glass of Whisky and drink it. I look at the fire and rush to my room and pack. As I pack my bags and load them into my car Kaleb pulls up. 

"What's up Kaleb I am kind of busy?" I asked.

"Alison is in danger." He replied. 

"How? I compelled her to forget she ever loved me." I asked shocked.

"Well that isn't stopping them." Kaleb stated handing me a stake.

"Stopping who?" I asked. 

"They're here Jacob and she needs your help." Kaleb replied.

"We need Haylee." I replied.

"She doesn't have her powers anymore." Kaleb responded.

"Yes she does." I guaranteed him. 

"Okay." He nodded. 

   We drove to Haylee's house and rushed to her room. We woke her up and she was pissed at the both of us for doing so.

"What the hell guys!" She yelled.

"She's in danger." I spoke full of fear.

"Protect her." She replied rolling over.

"You don't understand. I compelled Alison to forget everything. She doesn't remember ever loving me." I stated.

"Damn you actually did it." She replied sitting up.

"Had to Haylee." I responded. 

"Fine let me get dressed." She replied."Wait at the cars." 

   We go to the car and did as she asked. We wait around for thirty minutes and finally she comes out ready for a fight. She gets in her car and we get in ours and we all follow each other to Alison's house. We all wait as she comes outside with Alison. Alison looks at me and cries.

"Why?" She asked.

"To protect you from myself and my life." I replied.

"Did you ever stop and think about what I might want?" She questioned.

"No." I replied.

"At least you're honest." She laughed.

"I'd rather you hate me and be alive then not and be dead." I replied getting louder.

"That is not your call." She stated calm. 

"She's right man." Kaleb added.

"When this is all over; compel you completely. Even your secret." She ordered.

"I promise you I will." I replied.

"Then get the hell out of town." She ordered once more.

"Okay." I responded. 

  The two sisters rushed at us and and tied us all down with the help of some new vampires they just turned. They put is in an arch around them as they talked.

"Well well well sister." Octavia laughed.

Yes sister." Kim replied.

"We have ourselves a little reunion." Octavia laughed squeezing my face in her hand and then walking away. 

"Go to hell." Kaleb laughed.

"Okay." Kim laughed staking him. 

"Kaleb!" Haylee screamed beginning to cry. 

"Relax he's in a better place now." Octavia laughed."Wait never mind he's in hell." 

"I hate you." I growled.

"Good." Kim laughed more."Tell us Jacob why compel the one you love to forget she ever loved you?" 

"To protect her from my life and the pain it causes." I replied with out any hesitance. 

"Do you love her?" She asked.

"With all of my heart." I replied looking at her. 

"What if she died?" Octavia asked.

"I'd kill whoever laid a finger on her." I growled trying to break lose.

"Relax we won't hurt her for now." Kim laughed as Octavia laughed along side her.

"Prepare for war Jacob." They stated sprinting away. 

    After awhile I got the strength to break lose and get the others lose. I quickly dug Kaleb a grave and we gathered around as I threw his body in. We were all upset, but Haylee was crying. Because she lost the love of her live. Few hours later I drove Alison home. We walk up to her door and we stand there in silence. 

"I'm sorry Alison." I stated breaking the silence. 

"Save it Jacob. I know why you did it." She replied.

"Will you forgive me?" I asked.

"I forgive you Jacob but I don't know If I want to be with someone who doesn't respect my choices or let me make them for myself." She stated.

"I understand." I stated as she went inside. 

" Goodnight Jacob." She stated closing the door. 

"Goodnight Ally." I replied walking away. 

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