Cyber Luke ❥ 5sos

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hemmo1996 logged on

hey I haven't heard from you since a while are you okay? -hemmo1996

Hi sorry haven't been replying alot has been happening at home - warriorcat

is it your mom again? -hemmo1996

something like that, look I gtg before my mom finds me on my laptop ttyl. - warriorcat

I sighed signing out, I looked over at the brief conversation.  I don't think he understood how much I wanted to talk to him. Who knew that found him for me, I keep imagining what it would be without that website I would never found him, this mystery boy with some odd reason I call Jim. The website ensures that we aren't allowed to use our real names, give out real details for security reasons.  I wish I knew him in real life, It would give me at least one friend.

I winced thinking about my so called friends at school, I don’t even know if you could call it that. I was bullied on a regular basis, for being too ugly, too loud, for being related to a drug addict, for my mum being mental. You name a reason and I’ve been bullied because of it, you’d think I would treasure the weekends I have at home away from that vile place. But you would be wrong, home is much worse. At least at school I can hide away from them, but at home there is no escaping my family.

I skimmed my fingers over my laptop, how desperately I wanted to sign back in and speak to him for longer. My mother would be home any minute, it was almost 6 time for dinner. In my house things were run in a certain way, my dad would be high most of the day ignoring everyone and everything whilst my mum is at work. When she gets home it’s dinner before bed, no speaking is allowed. My mother likes silence, any form of noise results in severe punishment. I should know, I rubbed my hand over the bruise forming on my stomach. I lay down on my bed closing my eyes, counting down the minutes before I can sleep.

I jolted up as I heard the door slam open, I frowned realising my mum was in a bad mood. I walked down the stairs shying away from her, I sat on the sofa in the living room next to my dad. He flicked through the channels on the TV, pausing it every 5 seconds. I looked over at my brother Kevin who was reading in the corner of the room. I wish he would talk to me, but he never spoke, not once. He was the only person in this world I loved and would do anything to protect.

My mum placed our dinner on the table, whilst taking a drag of her cigarette. I sat down in my normal place waiting for everyone to be seated before I began to eat. My mum and dad kissed each other before smiling widely, I cringed watching them be intimate with each other. Kevin dabbed his fork into the chicken on his plate, he hasn’t really got the gist of using a knife and fork. But who can blame him, he’s only 10… I guess I was the lucky one, I endured my mum and dad when everything was okay, in fact they were perfect parents 11 years ago. We called ourselves the three musketeers, us against the world. The older I got the more things started to change, it might have been because I was old enough to understand everything wasn’t happy like they made out. When I reached the age of 6 I began to ask questions, turning them both against me. I had to keep telling myself that everything was going to be okay one day, deep down I knew that wasn’t true. But what’s the point in living in false hope? If I believed there was no hope for me, my mind would appear in dark places that even my private thoughts couldn’t take.

After we finished dinner, I washed before going to bed. I slept in a baggy top and my knickers, I hated wearing trousers to bed. I tucked myself in hugging my teddy bear tightly comforting myself. I picked up my phone and emailed Jim.

hey -warriorcat

Bob, I thought you couldn't talk?hemmo1996.

I'm in bed now away from them, how are you?  –warriorcat


I'm okay, feeling pretty lonely I miss you :( -hemmo1996

me too, we need yo meet one day. I dont know how much of this anon crap I can take.warriorcat

tell me about it, I go crazy thinking about what you could look like, what your real name is.hemmo1996

one day.... - warriorcat

I replied before locking my phone, I tucked it under my pillow and fell asleep.

not my story just changed it up a bit

credits go to anonymousxo

Cyber Luke ❥ 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now