My Family Origins Is A little Messed Up

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  Sometimes we all have to come to the decision that everyone who's in our lives now won't be in them later. That one day everyone leaves us. The life I lived never allowed me to even try to be happy at all. My brother and parents died a very long time ago from vampires and that day hunts my mind and memories daily. I wish I could hit a restart button but I know I can't. This life is a very lonely life and I knew that going in, but that was when I had a family and wasn't doing this completely alone. It sucks because I'm not even done high school yet. I know I have family, but they don't know about this life and they never can which makes me feel even more alone.

"Damien wake up!" The familiar voice.

"I'm awake Aunt Alicia." I yelled down.

"You ready boy?" Uncle Josh asked.

"Yes sir." I replied.

    I put the demon knife in my pants and two stakes in my backpack. I walk down stairs and got into my truck and drove to school. I get out and walk into school. I walk in and see someone staring at me as their eyes became a solid black. I walk over to them and push them into the room pulling out the demon knife holding it against his throat.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"Fuck off hunter." He laughed.

    I cut his face and throw him to the ground. I punch his face with the knife in my hand and hold it back to his throat. 

"Damn Winchester." He laughed.

"Why did you call me Winchester?" I questioned.

"Please. Everyone in hell knows about you." He laughed as blood came out.

"My last name is Frost!" I yelled.

"Keep telling yourself that." He laughed.

"My father is Henry Frost!" I screamed.

Finally I got tired of hearing his mouth and stabbed him with the blade. I walk out and fix my shirt and walk to first block. I acted like nothing happened and like everything was normal. Why did the demon call me Winchester? Why did he not accept frost as my my family name? I needed answers and I knew the one person who could give them to me. I walk to an old hunter's house who's name is Castiel. I knock as he yells me to come in. 

"Hey Castiel can you help me?" I asked.

"What's up kid?" He asked.

"A demon called me by the name Winchester. Why?" I questioned. 

"Well I'll be damned. Dean said he had a son, but never said who." He laughed.

"Dean?" I asked.

"Yes. Dean Winchester is your father." He laughed in surprise. 

"What about my family i've known?" I asked.

"Dean put you up for adoption when your mother died. When she died by the hands of Sam." He replied.

"Sam?" I asked.

"His brother. Your uncle." He replied.

"Well this just gets more fucked up by the minute. Anything else I should know?" I ask.

"I'm not a hunter." He replied showing me his wings. 

"What the hell are you Castiel?" I asked.

"I'm an angel of god." He replied. 

"Well this is just great." I replied rubbing my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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