Usually when you go to school you think of it as a fun time with your friends, or boring with a bunch of homework. What if you’re alone in some of your classes? What goes through your mind? There are a ton of things that can go through your mind especially when you’re alone. Things that happened last year that embarrassed you can pop up into your head. It’s weird though, a lot of times when you try to think about something especially when you’re with your friends you cannot think of it, but when you’re alone it all comes flowing in and it’s just like you cannot stop it. The good thing is, usually when this happens you think of things that have made you happy in the past, and think of the future brightly. Sometimes you can have a big decision in life, hopefully it isn’t a timed one, but hopefully one you can carry out the decision for, for a long time. That way you can actually think about it without having pressure. Lots of other things can go through your head, who you like, what you’re going to do for the rest of the day, even what you’re going to have for lunch or dinner. The hard thing is though, when you think about who you like it changes you for a minute. It gives you a lovely feeling. If you truly like someone you can get that warmth in your heart, I mean if you actually get the opportunity to date them the warmth just turns into a fire. Like a burning passion ya know? I mean it doesn’t happen to everyone, but if you’re lucky enough to actually feel that, embrace it. Other times when you have school on your mind it just makes you feel like crap because you know what you have to do for the rest of the day, which can usually kill your mood. Sometimes you can be excited about what you’re going to do, and that’s good, don’t feel like a geek. If you like it, you like it. There are plenty of things that can go through your head when you’re alone, or even texting someone, or with your friends. It all just depends on you I guess, we are all different remember?