"Sorry" The word that changed me

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Hey so this is my first book and it's probably really bad but thanks for giving it a go!

I wrote this on my own with inspiration from songs NOT OTHER BOOKS!

Please tell me what you think in the comments or message me! sorry if updates take ages I have school :)

Maddie x


"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid,

To take a stand, to take a stand,

Everybody, everybody,

Come take my hand, come take my hand"


My mum screams from downstairs.

"WWHHHHAAAATTTTT" I scream back while I run down the stairs that love to trip me up ALL THE TIME!

"I'm going to go get your brother, Dad will be home soon and make sure you..... blah blah blah blah was all I heard after that.

I didn't even reply. I wonder if parents actually care if you don't say anything a- I heard the slamming of the door and snapped out of my thoughts.

I ran back upstairs and back to my room to read and check my twitter.

I woke to the ringing of my phone.

"Hello?" I asked sleepily ( as you do at 3am )

"Is this Victoria Rose Grayson?" The voice said.

"Y-yes? Wh-why?" I stuttered nervously.

"Your mum and brother have been in a terrible accident. Your brother only minor injuries, but your mum, she wasn't so strong."

"W-what? What happened to my mum?" I nearly yelled down the phone.

"Sh-she died. I'm so sorr-"

I dropped the phone, cutting her off.

"DAAADDDD!!????" I yelled. He was all that was left right now.

No answer.

"Dadd??!!" I said, a little quieter now.

As I reach the stairs I realize, he's not home.

"Dad?" I say softly as I fall to the floor and cry.

She never came home.

Neither did he.


Sorry it's short :)

It's only the first they will get longer I promise.

Thanks again for giving this book a thought.

Please comment & vote!

It would make me so happy!

Love you all xoxo

- Maddie xo


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