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                     "Today we have destroyed National Socialism, tomorrow we destroy Communism!"  -Benito Mussolini, 1945 during his Victory Speech

1922- Mussolini and the Italian National Fascist Party seize power in Italy from a coup

1933- The Nazi Party lead by Adolf Hitler are elected to lead Germany. Thus the Weimar Republic is dismantled with the formation of the Third Reich. Mussolini wanting to know about National Socialism reads Hitler's book Mein Kampf, only to have it burned in disgust of his racial policies. But well known Anti-Semite Farinacci in the Fascist Part urges Mussolini to make an alliance with Hitler. However another fellow fascist, Italo Balbo urges against an alliance due to the Reich's racial policies specifically the policy towards the Jewish people. Later in America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected President and Mussolini flies to America to visit him. Mussolini in his diplomatic mission wants some of his highest military Commanders to learn in America to train a new doctrine to his soldiers to improve the Italian Military. Mussolini also flies to France and Britain to improve relations and to discuss future war games and designs for tanks and aircraft, or at least cooperation between the nations. With Mussolini fearing the rising German threat, Italo Balbo who was Mussolini's closest friend, told him that the modernization of the Air Force would be needed to combat the rising German threat. So Mussolini agrees, appoints Balbo as Air Minister and funds the research on aircraft, and order new fighters to be designed and built by 1936, with a new bomber and fighter already in development. In southern Italy, new Airfields are built to help with the employed, and new aircraft factories in Sicily to help deal with criminals find actual employment in the region. Later on America, Britain, and France agree on military cooperation with the Italians despite war weariness.

1934- Pro-Nazi Austrians assassinate Austrian Chancellor Engelburt Dollfuss, who was Mussolini's ally and good family friend. Rumors claim Hitler orchestrated the assassination to pave the way for the Reich to annex Austria, thus to absorb its Germanic 'brothers' into Germany to promote Pan-Germanism. With the assassination of Engelburt Dollfuss, Mussolini and Hitler both plan a meeting to discuss about Austria. However the meeting goes badly as Mussolini rants about Engelburt being a family friend and how Hitler murdered him as well as not wanting to associate himself with an anti-Semite. The rest of the meeting would be both of them arguing with insults shouted at each other. The meeting ends when both leave not saying another word to each other. As a result, the proposition of the Pact of Steel by Hitler is declined by Mussolini. Because of Farinacci's Pro-Nazi and Anti-Sentiment and how Mussolini's meeting went, he is stripped of his status and is kicked out of the Fascist Party. Thus Italo Balbo and his Anti-Nazi mood gains favor from Mussolini. The relations with Italy and the Reich go sour with Austria and disagreement in policies.

1935- Abyssinia or today known as Ethiopia is invaded by Italy and with Italian Soldiers trained by American, British, and French troops the Italians are more than prepared for the invasion. Before Mussolini orders the invasion, despite the League of Nations going against Mussolini's war, Mussolini wanting to keep stable relations with America, Britain, and France unlike the Japanese with Manchuria decides to play the battle easy, therefore doesn't authorize Mustard Gas, poisoning of water supplies, and avoids civilian targets. Which the war lasts for nine months with alternatives such as propaganda to convince the locals to fight for the Italians as well as promises of freeing slaves and ending slavery once Abyssinia is under Italian control.

1936- Spanish Civil War begins where Nationalist led by Fascist Franco Francesco stages a rebellion against the Republican Government. Italy provides support to the Nationalist forces while the Soviets support the Republicans. Due to bad relations with the Italians along with huge Italian influence on the Nationalist, the Germans wanting to get ride of Italian influence is Spain, provide support for the Republicans which brings shock to everyone even to the republicans who are liberals, socialist, anarchist, communists, and Anti-Nazis/Anti-Fascist. News of Hitler supporting the Republicans causes both Mussolini and Franco to dismiss it as an act of stupidity.

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