What happens in Sunny Beach

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What happens in Sunny Beach   Sunny Beach – Code Yellow - a different /humorous/ point of view

Have you been to Sunny Beach – Bulgaria? Have you seen the ecstasy of multilingual crowds? “Sunny Beach – Code Yellow” is a sparklingly humorous novel. The text is tracking the remarkable holiday adventures of a client in Sunny Beach – Bulgaria. Although the narrative is wearing the uniform of a novel, actions in the book are so rapid, as in full-contact Sumo.

Chapter 1

Mr. Publisher, I am writing you at the suggestion of mutual friend. I understand you are a busy person, raising eyebrows only at the beginning of letters to you. Every profession has its peculiarities. I am writing to you to share my observations over a territory inhabited with wicked joy and irresponsible people.

In one of my occupations, which was secret, but not to the level of State Secret, I faced the difficult art of observation and reporting. Not as a writer, do not misunderstand me. God save me from such babblings, exaltation of subjectivity and alcoholic delusions. No, what I describe here is accurate and reflects my first hand experience and observations of a big number of tourists in Sunny Beach – a, quite interesting place indeed.  Site for recreation and entertainment.

Again I fall into a conspiracy, because of my training to keep secrets, but I will explain. My object of observation - Sunny Beach is a small, densely populated  area with three hundred hotels and the adjacent parks - suitable for all human and nonhuman entertainment. It may be surprising, but offered entertainments here are enjoyed with the fervent  enthusiasm from multilingual crowds, with different religions and political views. People who are enemies in other parts of the world and aim at each other thru optics of sophisticated weapons, here have fun and entertain themselves together, singing hymns of enemies and embracing each other as children in kindergarten. This place is special and has a contagiously elevated spirit. The euphoria had nothing to do with the CNN documentaries, it is the opposite of military conflicts, political lies and gossips of serial writers. This euphoria resembles the eagerness of a person to catch up with life when the prognosis of his illness is not good.

True. When a person has one week vacation every hour counts. But this does not concerns you, Mr. Publisher, publishers live in eternity.

Mr. Publisher, you will find that observations accumulated in this pages can be used as a building material for several books:

 "Sunny Beach – survival guide" - a simple tourist guide, for reputable guys, who would like to keep this status not only on Facebook.

 "All Inclusive, Sunny Beach – Hygiene of Relaxation in the Modern World" – this is a long, but good title for book targeting simple minds with Zen orientation. Easily it can be sort of chicklit.

 "Sunny Beach, Dude!" – probably, this is the staff editors need – a true psycho-hallucinogenic tale of the unification of souls. A book for insiders.

 "Sunny Beach – Casta Nova" - a novel about class tensions between hedonistic tourists and distressed staff in laundries, laborerscleaning tile floors with bleach, kitchen boys peeling onions. Weeping. It can be a novel about the Lifeguards, saving others on the beach, but unable to save themselves. For this type of novel you will not find any material below, because my observations has been on different  subject. On the other hand, this ideasare in my head. A man must be blind not to see that pompous lifestyle of some is based on the misery of others.

I believe that the text will inspire other ideas in you.  You are a person of experience,  as is your wife. She also seemed to me a woman with good experience. This I will explain later.

I cannot send you a short synopsis. Instead, I am sending  a long letter. You will see this way is better. As you will surely understand from my observations and reports - madness, sudden uncontrolled bursts of souls, rapid breathing ventilating emotions and all this parade of transcendental joys are not subject to synopsis. If I knew the direction and meaning of these bursts in thousands of tourists, I would have organized the facts so as to lead to an inference , but I do not know. I leave it to you and your professional wisdom. Publishers are special breed of sages.

 I know that you place a biometric pendulum over the manuscripts. Same procedure as though you are looking over the manuscripts over the map. I know your hand is trying to feel the vibrations coming from the manuscripts. I understand without any ridicule that after millions of pages you've already read, you arrived to a blindness, not visual, but the peculiar Publisher’s blindness were text is just an illustration of you inner thoughts.  So reading a text, considering its size and weight and cutting corners it feels in your hands as a stone - one of millions who have passed thru your hands . These granite pieces no longer have a single value - they are part of the street. You know how to pave streets to enlightenment, but can no longer distinguish the individual stones. This is understandable. It is understandable why readers also do not use this pavement, but the asphalt of mass culture. There the brain cells are at rest, close to nirvana.....


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