A Crappy Destiel HS AU

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Dean Winchester was sitting in fifth period english when he fell into a day dream. He must have day dreamt for ten seconds until the teacher screamed his name to snap him back to reality. He was always day dreaming in Mr. Shurleys class. He actually liked english. Its just Castiel Shurley is in that class and those blue eyes they kill him. Right when he just gets a glimpse of those sparkling pools he's in another universe. He mainly day dreams about kissing Castiel seeing his blue eyes widen as they pull apart. But now he is back to fifth period english. 

" Mr. Winchester ? ..."

"Yeah" Dean said realising his teacher was asking him a question. 

" What was the project I had just explained?' he asked suspecting Dean wouldn't have known the answer

" It was the poem project" Dean said. The only reason he knew this was because Cas ( who is also deans best friend and day dream star) told him they would be doing  a poem project soon and that he couldn't wait. Being one of those hipster kids who are obsessed with Starbucks and Audrey Hepburn. 

" Well then may I continue my class?" 

" I guess I will allow it" Dean said smirking

" Thank you anyway back to what I was saying Your assignment is to write a poem about someone in your grade may it be girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend I don't care just someone who means something to you. It has to be a repeating pattern and has to be turned in by Monday." Mr. Shurley said 

The bell rang and Dean already had a plan. He had been thinking of a way to tell Cas he liked him he wasn't worried about him not being into guys or anything he was worried that if he did reject him that it would destroy their friendship. That was the last thing Dean wanted. 


(Time passing) 

Dean being one of those Jock kinda kids.( He wasn't a jock per say he actually didn't do any sports. He mainly just had muscles, talked back to teachers and knew how to fix cars. So people classified him as a jock. He really hates labels but he understands.) He didn't really work hard on things. Don't get me wrong he got good grades but he just didn't work really hard on projects. But this was different. This needed to be perfect. He even called his friend Charlie to help him. It was still really bad when they finished but it got the point across. Now he just need to put his plan into play. Thats the part that scared him.


(Time passing)

It was Monday. The Monday that Dean was dreading and excited for. His plan could ether go two ways. Horribly or Perfectly. He walked into Lawrence High School teeth chattering. Charlie was to make sure the cost was clear so Cas wouldn't see Dean. She gave him the signal and Dean began to walk closer to the locker. As the pail blue locker came closer and closer Deans heart pounded faster and faster with each step. Dean finally took his final step infront of the locker. He looked down at the neatly folded poem in his hand. He quickly opens locker 652 and shoves the note inside. He slams the locker shut and sprints down the hall to his first class. 

Its was Fifth block the last class of the day. Which just happened to be the class that him and Cas sat right next to each other in. He sat down avoiding eye contact with Cas just in case. It wasn't until half way through the class did Cas finally ask what was wrong

" Dean are you alright you seem nervous" Cas asked concerned 

" Yeah Yeah Im f-fine" Dean said unconvincingly 

Cas just left it at that knowing what ever was worrying Dean he didn't want to talk about it. The bell rang and dean sprinted out of the class hoping to miss Cas at his locker that day. He usually waits for him so they can walk outside together but not today. Cas walked up to his locker the first time since this morning. he was still think about how nervous Dean had been acting in art. He was kinda concerned but knew if Dean really needed him he would have asked.He opened the squeaky metal door to have a neatly folded white paper fly towards him. On the front of the paper in slightly neat handwriting it said "Dean". He opened the note with caution trying not to get his hopes up. (It is Valentines Day ) He thought. HE quickly shooed the thought out of his head so he could focus on the letter.He opened the note slowly. He looked down at the piece of paper in utter shock and hope. The paper read...

( here is where the crappy poem is so be prepared)

Hello my name is Cas

I am sixteen years old

I have eyes that look like shattered glass

Blue like a sea after a storm in a story I was once told

Hello my name is Cas 

I can make a sad boy smile 

By running in blades of grass

Or just starring at him for a while

Hello my name is Cas 

I draw beautiful paintings too

I draw autumn leaves in shades of brass

Cas I wrote you this to tell you I love you

Cas needed to find Dean. To tell him how he felt. He looked down the hallway to see him rushing out the door. When Castiel got outside it was too late. He heard the roar of the Impala driving away. 


Dean Winchester walked into school with fear and hope in his eyes. Cas hadn't said anything about the note. ( had he seen it, did  he find it embarrassing. Did he hate dean) all of these thoughts came to a hult when he opened up his locker. He starred dumb founded at the rose and neatly folded note that laid in his locker. On the front of the note the name Castiel was written in very neat handwriting. The note read...

Hello my name is Cas

I am sixteen years old

I have eyes that look like shattered glass

Blue like a sea after a storm in a story I was once told

Hello my name is Cas

I can make a beautiful boy smile

By running in blades of grass

Or just starring at him for a while

Hello my name is Cas

I draw beautiful paintings too

I draw autumn leaves in shades of brass

I once got a poem from a beautiful boy boy that said "I love You"

written in smaller handwriting  at the bottom it said..

Dean I love You too you squirrel. 

Dean turned around to find a boy sixteen years old with blue eyes that looked like a sea after a storm starring at him. He muttered four words that made his heart skip a beat.

"Dean I Love You"

A boy with crystal green eyes and dirty blonde hair sixteen years old made a sad boy smile by saying five words

"Castiel I Love You Too" 

A Really Crappy Destiel HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now