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Max turned his head away from the optional eating area closed off with a gate although the door was always open. Occasionally, groups of friends went into the outdoor eating area but today only Ian was inside there. He sat alone underneath the oak tree with his pen in his mouth, wondering what to write next in his journal. "Don't you ever what it's like in there? To be all by yourself like that?" Max questioned, wanting to roam within the boundaries of the eating area.

"Yeah" Joji said, continuing to stare at Ian, admiring his shocking ability to be by himself. "And you know, Ian's the only one in there today" Max looked back over to the eating area, looking at Ian underneath the tree. "Yeah. But he's weird, you know? Like I'm surprised he isn't looking at us right now" Joji stayed silent, not caring to ignite yet another riff between Max and him.

The bell rang signaling that lunch had ended, making Ians head jolt up. He looked around for Joji, only to see Joji staring at him already. Ian smiled in Jojis direction but he only looked away, standing up and walking towards the building to get to his next class, which happened to be health.

Ian quickly packed his things together, pulling on his backpack and running to his next class. He had hoped to catch up to Joji, so he could walk into class along side him. But Ian was too late because Joji had already walked into class with Max by his side. "Just my luck" Ian sighed walking into class and over to his seat in the back. Joji attempted to discretely look at Ian, not succeeding.

Ian took out his journal from his backpack, turning to an empty page. He took his mechanical pencil from his pocket, pushing more lead out, he began drawing a rough sketch of Jojis side profile since they just so happened to sit near each other.

You're so fine
You're so good

He stared at Jojis features, not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying, yet concentrating on the fine lines and shadows that Jojis face held. And as Ian looked from the lined piece of paper to Joji continuously, he had not realized his teacher had been watching him the whole time.

"Ian? What will the presentation which is due next week be based on?" Mr. Spencer asked, doubting that Ian would be able to answer. "Uh. The presen- presentation will be- uh based on- um" Ian looked up at the teacher, pushing his glasses up.

Joji fiddled with his hands, looking at his lap. "Diseases of the mind" Joji mumbled. "Uh- I. I believe it will be based on diseases of the mind?" Ian replied to the teacher. Mr. Spencer let out a huff as he sat down in his chair. "The presentation will be based on diseases of the mind since today just so happens to be the day of national mental illness so with that being said, I thought it was a suitable topic"

"Thanks" Ian whispered with a smile, his head turned to Joji. "Yeah- uh- no problem" He said in reply, only locking eyes for a brief second.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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