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Once upon a time,

There was a kingdom, who lived in peace in harmony. They're crops always grew well, everyone was happy and well cared for under the just and kind King and Queen. However, while everything was good and happy. The King and Queen themselves, were not happy for you see they were growing old and did not have a son or daughter to rule the kingdom. They prayed and prayed but they were unable to have children. So one winter's night an old beggar woman came to the castle, and offered to grant them one wish in exchange for shelter from the bitter cold. They agreed, and after spending the night in their home and being treated like a visiting queen she granted their wish. Soon, a princess was born and everyone in the land rejoiced. The princess was beautiful and radiant, with many princes trying to woo her, but she did not wish to marry them as none of them caught her fancy.

One of the suitors, having been spurned by her asked a wizard to give him something to give to the princess in revenge. The wizard gave the prince a shard of a magic mirror one that would turn the princess' heart as cold and as ice. So that she would know how he'd made her feel, so he returned to the castle and put the shard into the princess' drink...and in doing so, the princess' hair turned snow white and her eyes turned blue. Her skin, became pale and the cold could be felt on her fingertips. The ice in her heart had given her control over the cold. In a fit of anger, she froze everything and brought eternal winter to the kingdom. Becoming as cold as her frozen heart. The suitor tried to apologize, but it was much too late and she placed a curse on him.

That any daughters he had, would become affected by the curse he'd brought upon her. They would be born with frozen hearts, centuries have passed and eventually the curse was forgotten. The tale of the Snow Queen became a mere legend passed on as a children's story.

July 20th 1993

"That's it Mrs. Howell, that's it push!" Exclaimed the doctor, Mrs. Howell screeched as she pushed and finally, she stopped as the sounds of a baby screaming filled the room. She sighed, and breathed heavily as the sweat beaded down her forehead. She drowsily looked up, as the doctors and nurses were scrambling around in confusion and in a slight panic. Immediately she wanted her daughter in her arms, she could hear the tiny baby's cries so surely she had to be alright...right?

"Mrs. Howell, the child..she'd healthy and breathing normally but she feels so cold and her temperature is cold as well...we don't know what's wrong with her." Said the doctor, handing the baby to her mother. Mrs. Howell looked, and smiled softly at the baby who did indeed feel cold and her skin was a lighter pink, than normal babies were..apart from that though, her daughter was beautiful and perfect.

"Baby?" Came a small voice, she looked up and smiled as two year old Dan toddled over and tried to pull himself up to see the baby in his mother's arms. Mr. Howell went to talk to the doctors, whilst Dan gasped as his mother edged the baby closer for him to see. His brown eyes looked at the tiny baby, and smiled at her. He'd always wanted to be a big brother and now he had a little sister of his own to play with. He smiled up at his mother curiously.

"What's er name?" Asked the little boy curiously, Mrs. Howell looked at her husband as he joined them.

"Elsa, I used to have a friend called Elsa back in college and I've always liked that name." She replied, her husband smiled and nodded kissing his wife and patting Dan's head. Dan turned to his baby sister and smiled, he was going to be a good big brother, no the best big brother, he was going to take care of his little sister, and play with her and be the most amazing brother ever.

"Darling, do you know the story of the Snow Princess?" Whispered Mrs. Howell, Mr. Howell knitted his brow and looked at his wife as if she'd grown a second head. "She feels cold to the touch, and her skin is pale...what if its possible."

Mr. Howell looked at his daughter, looking up at Dan and smiling as he did funny faces. He loved his daughter, and he wanted to protect her..and if what his wife was saying was true. Then they had to make sure no one ever found out about their daughter's secret. No, best that it remained hidden and to never tell anyone about it. Who knew what could happen to his daughter if anyone found out. He and his wife shared a look and nodded. They knew that they had to keep it a secret.

Five Years Later

"Dan wake up!" Exclaimed Five Year old Elsa, jumping onto Dan's bed. Dan groaned, as his sister was jumping on the bed trying to wake him up. Her blond braids bouncing along with her, he looked outside and saw that the sun was slowly beginning to rise. He groaned once more, and buried his head underneath his pillow.

"Go away Elsa." He replied, wanting to go back to sleep, Elsa stopped and pouted for a few seconds before a small smirk found its way onto her face. She wanted to play with her big brother, who was her bestest friend in the whole world and yeah she knew it was early, but it was summer vacation. Which meant that they didn't have to go to school, and she wanted to get a head start on playing with Dan. And she knew the perfect way to get him up. She cupped her hands together, and smiled at the blue sparkles forming in her hands, She didn't know why she could do ice powers and Dan couldn't...but it sure was fun using them.

She shot it upwards and made it snow in the room.

Dan peeked out from underneath the pillow and smiled a wide toothy grin at the snow his sister had conjured up. Elsa smiled and jumped on the bed more, before falling off.

"I'm ok!" She replied, holding her hand up, Dan laughed and hopped off the bed to join her on the floor where they played in the snow she'd conjured up.

"Race you!" He exclaimed, running out of the room and she ran after him, using her magic to make snow balls to throw at him. Dan, laughed and ducked from the snowballs she was throwing. Grabbing some, and tossing them back to her not paying attention to the stairs a few feet away. He gasped and tripped, trying to regain his balance.

"Dan!" Exclaimed Elsa, shooting out some magic that was meant to cushion his fall...only for it to hit his head and knock him out.

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