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Queen P.O.V.
i woke up and got dressed fuck this day bored and nothing planned i got in the shower did my hygiene then went downstairs in some shorts and a sports bra I'm thick but i still exercise grabbed a water bottle and walked outside i picked the right so i started running bumping to miguel i was running until i bumped into somebody i know they saw me running i grabbed my phone that was now cracked and looked up so black ass dude staring down at me i push him and walked away about to start running again until he said a slick comment "mommy mad with her fat ass thats why she running" all his boys laughed i pulled out my gun and shot him in his head stay strapped what my daddy taught me i put my gun back on my waist and continued to run i made it home sweaty i did 840 miles today i am thick but i use to be fat i wanted all that weight gone so i started running i got home got in the shower got out put my hair in a bun grabbed some ripped jeans and a black haft shirt then my slides and grabbed my phone and keys got in my benz and went to the trap i checked on everything it was in place i got a call from my girl Angelina she crazy she black and her step sister angle puerto rican me I'm dominican with black my hair is a honey brown and goes down my back i want to dye it like a red color or black i don't know yet i left the trap and headed to the mall got a new phone galaxy s4 then i grabbed a couple of things and left today was a boring saturday i got a connect meeting monday so i am prepared and tonight im going to jail to see my brother spend time with him i love his ugly ass he in there for 5 years he got 1 more then he out but they might cut it short for good behavior anyway it was 3 so i headed to the jail they checked me no guns nothing then they gave me a pass i found my brother hugged him and sat down we talked and he wanted to see his baby girl nariah she is 2 dark skinned and she got long black hair she so cute one dimple her mom got one and me and my brother Carlos got 2 my real deep Carlos is not that deep i gave him a picture of her and a note from her mom i never read and he wanted me to read it to him
Dear Carlos,
Me and nariah are leaving town we will leave next month i love you with all my heart but this life is not losing my daughter too she has been taken away and almost killed i just want to say we love you and we will be heading to Texas next month i hope when you are out you can come see her and your sister she been here with us i love you so much i just cant do it sorry Carlos please forgive me
Love Adela

carlos is on the side >>>>


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