Thanksgiving Night

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I was over your house . Your parents were at a thanksgiving party . You being the antisocial person that you are denied their invitation to join them . We were inside your room it was a bit dark the only light was coming off the TV screen . Some late night show was playing . We weren't really watching it . You were on the bed messing with something on your phone and I was standing next to the window looking out . It was a rainy and cold day . I listened to the rain pouring against your roof the drops so soothing to hear . I glanced over at you watching you use your phone . You tucked some hair that was covering your face behind your ear . I stood there by your window admiring the beautiful girl I was able to call my girlfriend sitting just across from me . Feeling my stare you lifted your head a bit and shot me a cute little smile . My face flushed a little those cute lips of yours and how badly I wanted them . The tips of my ears starting to get warm . I slowly walked up to you . Taking your phone and placing it on your dresser . I walked back to you wrapping my arms around your neck and pushing us both down on the bed so that I was laying on top of you . I slid down a bit and turned my head pressing my ear against your chest and started listening to your heartbeat . After a few minutes of laying like that I sat myself up on my arms hovering over you and stared into your eyes . Moving one of my hands up to your face I caressed your cheek and quietly whispered " I love you so much " Then leaned in and softly pressed my lips against yours .

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