The Hard Life of Alanis Masterson

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~Alanis' pov~

She sat alone on her bed, waiting for him to come home. 'Come on,' she thought. Glancing at the clock, she noted that it was almost sunrise and he was still out. She tapped her foot impatiently and took one more look at the clock before preparing to leave. 'Come on, Laine. You have to do something. Why can't you just have the courage to go out there? You already know what goes bump in the night.'

Then Seth's voice came to her mind. 'What about me? You never tried saving me. Now look where I am.' Tears came to her eyes as the memory of that night crept its way into her thoughts.

She was sitting against Sunnydale High's brick walls, reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird' when she felt an arm slither around her waist. She smiled into her book and closed it abruptly. "Hey babe," his sweet voice sang. "You know you didn't have to wait for me, right?" He bent down and put a stray blonde curl behind her ear. She looked at him, dark blue eyes glistening. "But I want to. love you, Seth." Crouching in front of her, he let his short chestnut hair fall in front of his pale face. He stroked her bare pale thigh just under her light blue jean shorts. "Seth," she chastised," not now. Especially when my dad is waiting for me. You know how he gets when I'm late." A sigh escaped his plump lips. He got up and held out his hand. "Come on. I should probably get you home before he beats my ass." She chuckled and took his hand, pulling herself to her feet.

They were walking toward the crypt. Suddenly, Alanis felt a hard smack to her derrière. Turning around, she found a smirking Seth. "Seth!" she yelled, playfully pushing him."What babe? I can't help that you have such a fine ass." He leant over to give it another hard smack along with a firm squeeze. He put his ear to it and said,"What's that? Oh, you want me to smack you?" He looked up to face Alanis. "Well that's two against one. Sorry Lainey, but majority rules." They walked the rest of the way, his hand gripping her behind.

When they reached the door, Alanis tried to pry his hand off her bottom. But she failed. "Seth," she whined. "Come on. We have to get inside. Maybe you'll stay the night." He sighed and let go. "Fine." Gripping the doorknob with a victorious smile, she ripped the door open......

Tears streamed down her flush cheeks as she tried to wipe the memory from her mind. 'Come on, Laine. There's nothing to cry about. All you need to do is just find your dad.'

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