Small World

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Dear Diary

I have been living with the memories of my friends dying for 5 years now and the pain is making life hard, the need to be free is killing me on the inside I have not changed for 2 weeks now I think I have got the hang of keeping calm and not stressing out I might be able to stay in this town for longer then I thought I plan that I can stay for another year but it is getting harder I think the guys from the sanctuary have caught up with me they have tracked me to the town so they are one step closer to finding me I hope it ends soon the spirit of the werewolf is making life hard and the image of my friends being electrocuted in front of me plays over and over in my head like a curse I hope this life gets easier.

Yours faithfully Cosmo E

Dear diary,

Life's been hard, I've been on the run for 10years; I'm now 17, my love, has fallen to the devils in his own head. I can no longer go on a train, my dreams are nightmares. The sanctuary is after me. I think they're in the town I'm in...I like this town. But I know I must keep travelling...maybe I can find a new friend so I'm not so lonely.

Bye for now,

Snow Grimpson

it is 9:00 am sharp I am sitting in my safe house planning my next move, I am not sure whether to try and find a friendly traveler to help me get places or to go on my own. I need to find someone I can trust and someone that can get places and make me not look suspicious in anyway, I need to find someone it is the only way I can get out of this constant running I might ... might be able to find a place to settle I'll get working on it soon.

I think I'll stay here for a few nights, see what happens. But first I need food. I get up and pull my trench coat on that stops at my feet and pull the hood up, hiding my fox ears and tail. Flinging my bag over my shoulder I rush out, head down, avoiding curious stairs from others. Once outside I fallow the scent of baking bread. I see a little corner shop, perfect. Inside I look around, a person behind the tills and a boy in one of the isle, I couldn't see his face properly, and a hat is in the way. I head down one isle and grab tins of food and a few weakness. I turn around and bump straight into the boy, "s...sorry" I stutter, looking down.

I head out the door with my hat and cash I shove the cash in my pocket and put my cp on, I start sprinting quite fast. I can feel my heart rate pumping at a very intense speed so I slow down into a fast walk and I see a shop and run in. the place looks deserted so I run down the first isle and grab some meat and pasta, I quickly dash to another isle to get a couple of cans of monster my usual diet and I notice a ... girl wearing a trench coat with silver buckles and a hood covering her hair, all I can see is a few strands of beautiful blond hair so I think hmm do I dare. So I slowly walk up to her making sure I don't make too much noise to scare her. When I just reach her I take a breath in and just as about to speak and she turns and walks into me, I hear her stutter "s...sorry" before I could say anything she walked away I grab the monsters leave the exact cash on the counter and run.

I just get home and look at the sun it has just gone below the horizon so I run inside, my heart is racing now and I need to calm or I'll change and it will end badly. So I try to breathe and calm down I sit down and breathe deeply I feel that ... that feeling of pure freedom. My eyes shoot to the left shoot to the right, I start to feel my skin ripping the fur growing I feel the nails turning into claws, my nose and mouth growing into a snout. Then my vision goes completely red then crystal clear again. I start to panic and wonder did anyone hear that. I have my denim jeans on but they are ripped at the bottom and look like shorts. I still have my hat on the fur looks just like my hairstyle. I open the window leap out, I then stand on the conservatory shut the window and sprint. I run straight for the woods where I can hide till I calm down, I run past a building and I stop for a second in thought. I see a shadow I stare and see just a peak of blond hair. I look forward and run for the woods I am now bounding faster, I feel the wind in my fur, and I get to the woods and hide under a thick willow tree and lower myself into a sitting position and breathe...

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