1. Meet the "angels"

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Hello, thanks for clicking on this book I hope you enjoy reading, I'm still going to be updating this book a lot, when I mean a lot, I mean a lot. As of January 29, 2017 this book is being worked on. So please be patient and stay with me as I work on finishing this book. I am very prepared with this novel, I know what I'm writing about and my story is already planned out. Thanks!


"Come on, get ready, we have to go." I rushed my little brother, that's not actually my brother.

"Why, it's so early? Do we have to go, can I just stay here? Pleaseeeee?" Jackson whined. Jackson is only eight, and let me tell you, he's not a morning person. I gave him a stare that he knew very well. A look that screamed 'death' if he didn't get up. He rolled his eyes and sat up while flailing his tiny arms in the air while stretching. His beautiful black wings were ruffled. I chuckled softly before shaking my head. I straightened his feathers back into place before messing up his already tangled, short, light brown hair.

I walked out of his room and into the kitchen. Since we live on a deserted island, we've made it kinda cozy and comfortable for us. We built this hut for the five of us to live in. Sure it took a really long time to build, but our home is perfect and I wouldn't want it any other way. This is our home and I absolutely love it. We've been on this island our whole lives. There's another island not to long from here, we always go there to do our 'shopping'. In our dictionary shopping to us is where we wait for a family to leave their homes and snatch what we need unnoticed. We've never come in contact with a human and frankly I don't plan on it.

We have many things here that we've taken from humans, like blankets, food, pillows, small chairs, bath supplies, battery operated lamps, batteries, and so much more. We don't do a lot of things we've seen humans do. When they bathe, they get into this weird white oval bowl and either sit or stand while bathing. We have a fresh watering hole outside our hut that we use to bathe in. They have these giant boxes in their kitchens that they use to put food on that need burning. We use a fire stand, it's where we build fires and have a barb wire stand over it and we place our food over it to cook. They do a lot of other weird things that we don't.

I walked into our small kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle out of our mini fridge. This mini fridge was probably the hardest thing to get back here. I twisted the cap open and poured it into a bowl for our pet Shih tzu. Last year I got the younger kids; Jackson, Joelin, and Linna a puppy. At first Fin wasn't really on board with the idea of getting a dog, but I didn't really care and just went through with it without his knowledge.

Before I continue let me give you a background on my 'family'. First we have me. My name is Jaslin, I'm eighteen and I'm the eldest of the rest. I have dirty blonde hair that is more brown than blonde. I have hazel eyes, I'm medium height, and I'm kind of skinny as expected.

Fin is the second eldest. He's seventeen, he's really serious and mature in most situations. He's got really dark brown hair and the prettiest blue eyes. His wings are like a light black, but not Grey, and he's taller than the rest of the flock.

Jackson is eight, he's got brown hair that always gets knotted up. He's got light blue eyes and the cutest dimples you've ever seen. He's short as you'd probably imagine, as he is only eight.

Joelin is eleven, she's a real girly girl, she's always complaining for me to snatch her some makeup but I always refuse to get her any. She's always watching other human girls wear it so she thinks she needs to wear it. She has green eyes and black hair and she's  actually really short.

Linna is thirteen, she loves to swim in the waters that surrounds the island. She's always swimming, sometimes I wonder if she'd be better being a fish than half bird, I am not an angel even if we look like angels, don't be fooled, we're not. Linna is tall with blonde hair, brown eyes, and cute dimples.

Now that, that's out of the way, back to what I was doing. After I gave Jue (our dog) water I grabbed a granola bar from a box we kept in the kitchen. After eating I went to my room and checked how I looked. I smoothed my feathers down a bit and brushed my hair one more time. After that I smiled in satisfaction of how I looked.

I went throughout our home gathering the flock. When I got to Jackson's room I walked in only to find him crawled back into bed sleeping again.

I snuck over to his bed. "JACKSONNNN!" I screamed and immediately I got a reaction out of him. His eyes widened as wide as they could go, in surprise. He tumbled out of his bed and hit the ground with a thud.

"Owww, what do you want?" He asks annoyed, rubbing his head from where he fell.

"Little boy, we are leaving now, come on!" I said holding back the laughter and grinning, trying to hold an angry expression. He got up and didn't bother to get dressed.

Jackson tagged behind me as we left his room. "We all ready?" Asked Fin. I nodded and so did Jackson.

"Can we hurry up with this 'shopping' trip today, I don't feel very well and I just wanna sleep right now." Said Joelin rubbing her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her.

We all left our front door. I checked and counted everyone as they came out. "Ok now that we have all our ducks in a row, we can leave." I joked with them. We left for and open area where we can run and take flight. It's harder to stay in place and immediately fly. It's hard, but not impossible.

We all ran and took flight. The wind between my feathers felt heavenly, no jokes required to us being an 'angel' because that's not what we are. We headed towards the human filled island to get what we needed and then go back home. We went to the human filled island every once a week, mainly just to get food and such.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there are a lot more to be made in the future... thanks for reading and please stick around for more. Thank you


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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