I Wish It Was A Dream

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              "Emma come on down here breakfast is ready and you don't want to be late to school again,"  my mom yelled at me while I was laying in bed not wanting to move.

               "I was late once last week and do I have tho go to school I am going to be so embarrassed after what happened yesterday," I yelled back at my mom.

              "What happened yesterday that was so bad that you can't talk to me about," she asked concerned.

              I was not going to tell my mom it was too terrible to even think about. Yesterday I had gotten spaghetti all over in my hair and on my clothes. It was all Taylor's fault if she wouldn't have ran into me then I wouldn't have had to look at all those kids that were laughing at me. I just can't go tho school today.

              "Please can I stay at home I'll never ask you for anything else again," I said as sweet as I could but I don't think she will go for it.

               "No you are going to school and that is final," my mom said really strictly.

                 I have no way of convincing her to let me stay at home today. I groaned as I slowly dragged my self out of bed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled my draw out any picked up the shirt that was laying on the top. And grabbed the first pair of pants that were on the top in my pants draw. After I was finished getting dressed I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen my mom was putting a glass of orange juice at my seat.

              "Do we always have to have oatmeal for breakfast everyday," I asked wanting to know if she would cook me something else for breakfast tomorrow.

              "What you saying that you don't like my cooking," she said getting a little annoyed by me.

              "No I wasn't saying that I meant that I would like eggs if something like that for once," I said trying to make my mom believe me because really

I was tiered of just eating oatmeal every day.

              "OK tomorrow I will try to make something else, but don't you like my oatmeal," she asked wanting a honest answer from me.

              "Yes it is the best oatmeal I have ever had but I want to be like every one else they eat eggs and other stuff for breakfast," I said trying not to hurt her feelings.

              I sat down and ate all of my oatmeal. And then I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door. As I walked past my best friend Shalyn's house I noticed that her bike wasn't sitting by her gate like it does everyday so she is probably on her way to school already. She usually walks with me to school but I guess not today. So I guess I will just walk by my self which I hate to do.

              After I passed a few houses I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw my best friend Shalyn. She has light brown hair and she has the most perfect skinny body that if you look at her you could think that she is a modal. I have always been a little jalouse of her but now she is my best friend so I just got over it.

            "Wait up Emma," she yelled from behind me.

            "What," I said in frustration turning around and stopping.

             "Thanks for waiting for me.... not," she said with sarcasm as she said it through her panting.

             I looked at her for a few seconds and walked on without even saying anything to her. She stood there for a second as she watched me walk away after not saying anything to her little comment.

              " What's wrong with you today you didn't say anything to me after I said something sarcastic," she said with a little bit of concern.

              "Well I just don't feel like......." before I could finish i noticed a truck parked on the other side and there was a guy looking at me he was covering his face and he was wearing sun glasses. I think he saw me looking back at him because he looked away and started his truck and drove off.

              "Whats wrong," Shalyn asked really concerned and she had a puzzled look on her face.

             "That truck I have seen it before but I don't know from where and this is the fourth time I have seen it this week." I said to her truthfully.

              "You mean that black Ford truck that was just parked over on the other side of the street," she said with a puzzled look still on her face?

              " No the pony, duh the black truck I know I have seen that truck before but I don't know where. Someone I know owns one just like that but who," I had no idea with why I have seen that truck before?

              "Hey your back, maybe your dad has a truck like that," she said trying to make me feel better about the guy stocking me?

              " No way my dad drives a old broken white truck and I have only seen him once in my whole life and that was when I was 7," I said trying tho explain that it wasn't him.

                For the rest of the school day I was thinking about what Shalyn said while walking to school. I had so many questions just running through my that I wanted to be answered like was that man really my father? Why did he leave me and my mother? Does he even care about me? And so many more and they all just kept haunting me.

               When I was walking home I saw the truck again as I looked at it I noticed that it was pretty new and my dad doesn't have that kind of money for a truck. It has to be someone else. And my dad doesn't even know me. I picked up my pase as I got closer to my yard. I wish that Shalyn didn't have to go to the doctors today because she could be really supportive right now because I am really getting freaked out. when I opened the gate  to my yard I slowed down a little and walked into my House. When I got inside I through my backpack on the floor and closed all of the curtains in the living room, dining room, and kitchen. I also closed and locked all the doors just to make sure that the man could not get into the house if he was going to get me or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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