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Forge was relieved when he felt the helicopter hit solid ground. Every second airborne was a second that wracked his nerves raw. He reeled from seeing the helicopter with the Professor go down. Charles Xavier had been good to him. He fondly recalled the years he had spent training at the Xavier mansion. His heart was heavy as he opened the hatch and the refugees came pouring out into the safe area that Logan had designated.

He watched as they ran into the arms of their loved ones. He watched Scarlet Witch smile as the boy she carried leapt from her arms and into the arms of an elderly man "Ȏng nội! Ȏng nội!" the boy cried in happiness, nuzzling his face into the man's neck.

"Con thân yêu," the man replied, between tears. "Con thân yêu của tôi!"

Forge knew enough Vietnamese to know that the boy had found his grandfather, and the grandfather was overjoyed to find his "dear child". It was a bright spot of hope on a dark day for Forge.

"Come on," he said to the X-Men, "let's go back and look for Charles and his wife! Let's go see if there are any more villagers!"

Hank looked at him sadly, "Forge, we have done all we could!"

Forge ignored Hank as he climbed aboard the helicopter. The X-Men tried to be buoyed by Forge's hope and climbed on after him. Hank reluctantly climbed in last. Forge found the crash site and circled it. Smoke was beginning to clear.

"Forge!" he heard a voice call to his mind. "Forge! I'm alive!"

Forge's eyes lit up. He turned and looked at the X-Men. "I just received a signal from the Professor!" he exclaimed, his voice awash in relief. "He's alive!"

"And Jane?" Hank asked, his voice full of relief and curiosity. "What about her?"

Forge shook his head, "He didn't say! Going to land near this clearing; that's where he is leading me."

Forge landed and the X-Men ran out of the helicopter. They were excited that the Professor was safe. They stopped short when they saw him on the ground. Jane was in his arms. She was pale and entirely too still.

Sway felt her knees buckle. She collapsed to the ground crying. Banshee crouched next to her, hugging her and crying. Scarlet Witch encircled them with her arms, her head buried in the hair of both Banshee and Sway. Havoc and Cannonball were too stunned to move any closer or say anything.

Hank and Forge ran to Charles.

"She's... she's gone," Charles shrieked, his voice full of shock and inconsolable grief.

Hank felt a dull throb in his chest as he bent down. "We need to get the two of you out of here, to the jet," he said quietly, "Let me carry her."

Charles was reluctant to let go. He shook his head.

"I'll make sure she never leaves your side once we get on the jet. Right now, please, allow me."

Charles grudgingly let Hank pick her up. Hank carried her gently to the helicopter. Forge picked up Charles and carried him, sitting him down. Charles was too shocked with grief to think about his pride. Hank tenderly placed Jane on Charles' lap. Charles remembered how, when they were alone in his office, she would always sit on his lap, her arms around him. She would often massage his head and neck when she was on his lap. He felt waves of sorrow course through him as her arms remained folder on her stomach. He would never feel her healing touch again.

No one spoke as the helicopter carried them to the jet. Forge could feel Charles' heartache as he carried him from the helicopter to the jet. Charles kept looking back to make sure that Hank had Jane. She looked so small in Hank's large blue arms. Forge placed Charles on a bench seat in the jet and Hank placed Jane next to him, her head next to Charles legs. He carefully strapped her in before taking a seat next to Charles. Charles looked down at her and stroked her hair. She looked so peaceful. Scarlet Witch crouched down next to her and cleaned the blood off of her hands and face.

Havoc piloted the jet away. He wanted away from this godforsaken piece of hell on earth.

"My nightmare has come true," Charles said to no one in particular. "She died to save me so I could return to our school. After I go home, I don't want any more war."

He watched Scarlet Witch as she finished cleaning Jane. She continued to stroke Jane's face. "She was a kind woman."

"She was. I remember watching her take care of you, when you had first arrived."

"I don't remember any of it," she smiled sadly. "I wish I did. I wish I knew her better."

"I'm glad you knew her at all," he tried to smile. He felt a stabbing pain in his head. First he thought his wound was reappearing since Jane had died, but he realized he was feeling rage, not pain. He cried out as the rage took the breath out of his body.

"What's wrong?" Hank asked, alarmed.

Charles tried to catch his breath. "It's Erik!" he exclaimed, his chest heaving. "It's Erik! He's in a rage! I feel his pain!... My God, he's killing off what remains of his Brotherhood! He and Raven, they're hunting them down and killing them! They're... dead. All of them. Havoc! We need to head to the village! We have to get Erik and Raven!"

"Charles, are you crazy?" Hank shouted. "We're not saving them! They got us into this mess in the first place!"

Charles shook his head. "He tried to save us, Hank! He tried to keep the helicopter from crashing but there was nothing he could have done! He kept his promise and Jane was unharmed! He kept her safe! The crash would have killed me if she had not sacrificed herself to save me! Erik tried to save my life, Hank, and Erik was the first person to come to our aid! Hank, we are taking them back home." Charles gave Hank a look that would brook no argument.

Hank was furious. Why should Charles show those two any mercy? He should leave them in the jungle to rot! They were nothing more than traitors and trouble as far as Hank was concerned. "You're not thinking straight," Hank said sympathetically.

"I am, Hank," Charles whispered. "Havoc, if you don't rescue them willingly, I will make you do it!"

Hank sat in stony silence while Havoc agreed and turned the jet toward the village. He hoped that Charles wouldn't live to regret this decision.

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