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      "Oh God. What has she done?! Ohhh goooddddd" I hear her mother weep from the other side of the thin hospital door. I see her collapse into her husband's shoulder and I see him wrap his strong arms around her, and just hold her, wishing I had someone to hold me. I did, at one time, but I had ruined it. I had gone and fucked it up. I feel a single tear slip down my cheek.
      They way I see it, everyone has the chance to prove both their sanity, and their insanity. When doing so, one's mind is put through so many loops and tests. When one is proven sane, they are allowed to stay within the societal community. However, when one is proven insane, they are ripped away, stolen from friends, kidnapped from families. Put into special places away from others, often never to be seen from again. When one is proven insane, they are outcasted, ridiculed, and beaten down. But not by others, no. They are abused by their own minds.
      How do you watch as someone you love is slowly killed? The answer: you don't. You send them away. You put them in Straightjackets and lock them up. And you forget. How you chose to forget, that's up to you.  There are so many ways to forget. You can find someone new, temporary satisfaction, or long-term love. It doesn't matter, just as long as you get your mind away from those thoughts. AWAY! AWAY! AWAY! DON'T COME BACK! I DON'T NEED YOU! YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN THOUGHTS! you scream at yourself, at your mind, and soon, someone is putting you in a Straightjacket, and the cycle repeats. But now you're left with the question "does out ever end?" And the answer is yes, yes it ends, as soon as you learn not to let people in, not to love anyone anymore. But the heart is a fickle thing, and there is nothing you can do about it. So, on the end, no. No it never ends, no the pain never ends, no, you will never be safe from this cycle. No, you will never be okay again. And it is the worst feeling when you learn that. But it is the best feeling when you finally become free.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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