An Explaining Chapter

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Expressive what not what one would use to describe Andrew Olsen. If he laughed, it was only an exhale of air, almost as if he were sighing. He was unable to smile, frown or do anything else of that sort. Andrew is around 17 years of age, in his senior year of high school. He plans to go to college, and maybe work as a biologist. Nothing more, nothing less. He doesnt plan anything exciting for his life. No weddings, no travelling, no big dreams of owning a business. Thats a good thing too, we wouldnt want his dreams to be crushed.

Andrew comes from a small family. His mother had left when he was 2, leaving his father, Han, to take care of him and his younger sister, Maya. Andrew is used to doing the house work, as his father is always out there trying to get more jobs. Three jobs isn't enough to feed them for even half a month.

A Brief Talk About Mr. Han

Han is a hardworking man who puts his family before all others.

He can be described as a small man, with big fears. He is scared of the day he will not be

able to feed his family. Andrew has his almost amber eyes, and narrow eyes.

Maya is another story. She's Andrew's polar opposite, expression wise. She can't go a full sentence without showing her full life story in the way her arms wave, or when her eyes widen with every word.

She has plenty of friends, and shows her love for everyone, just in case they didn't know already. She is able to brighten almost all of Andrew's bad days in mere seconds, and personally, Andrew often thinks that everyone should have someone like Maya in their life.

A Brief Talk About Maya Olsen

If someone is feeling down, she will go out of her way to buy them as many sweets and

movies as possible for them. When Andrew is feeling down, she visits his room with her

computer and shows him videos of chickens. For fun, she writes poems. Sometimes she

reads them to Mr. Han. She has her mother's almost red, almost brown, hair, along with

her green eyes.

Along the span of Andrew's life, he's always felt like his heart was a bit off. It panged from time to time, often painfully, yet he never mentioned it. Maybe he would forget about it, until the next time it hurt. He ignored it. Andrew focused on helping his father and his schoolwork. He never had many friends, the only two he had he only talked to once a month for 30 minutes, at club meetings. Maybe it was his added stress from having to get a job at 15 that sped up the process, but the pangs began to get more and more frequent as he went into his senior year. His graduation ceremony was when things basically started to go downhill however...

Heyo, thank you for deciding to read this! It's going to be an ongoing story, so please buckle your seatbelts. I will be posting along the lines of one every three days, and if I don't, I'll post an extra long chapter every time I break the schedule. Forgive me for any grammar mistakes, as my first language is not English.

Please continue to read once further chapters are posted!

- Averie

The Many Emotions of the Emotionless OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now