Chapter 1

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Pain. Something I felt from the beginning of my day to the end. I don't want to wake up; dying seems more reasonable. But the will to live is still there, keeping me going, somehow, just a tiny thread left. I have to wake up and leave now, if I'm ever going to make it. I hurry as fast as I can, though my body aches, and screams at me, I grab what I need and exit through the window.

The sun isn't even up and I'm on my way to town. I stop at Mr. Fred's Fish Bait and Tackle Shop to see an old man with a long scraggly gray beard, Mr. Fred, who greets me with a smile.

"Hey kid, welcome back. I got some more jobs for ya." He says as he leads me to some shelves, "You know what to do, and when you're done I've got some earnings and a nice breakfast waitin' for ya."

I quickly go about my work, to calm the growing grumbling noises in my stomach. Soon Mr. Fred brings me out a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, and a glass of water. It wasn't very much, but it was more than I could ever ask for, from anyone. I never had to ask Mr. Fred for anything, he just knew what I needed, and gave freely even when he hardly had enough for himself. Mr. Fred was the closest person I've ever come to look up to, but I still refuse to trust anyone, especially adults. I might be "just a dumb ol' kid," but I've experienced enough to have my reasons not to trust anyone.

School is my second least favorite place, but as soon as I'm done eating I head out; knowing it's the only hope I have for getting out of this place. The moment I walk in the building I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I continue to class, with my hoodie on, and my head down. I don't have to look, I've seen and heard it all before, people whispering to each other as I pass by, making rude comments and wild gossip.

I sit down in the back corner of the classroom, and wait for class to begin. The bell rings, "Alright everyone, I want your undivided attention. We have a new addition to our class. This is Liam Jackson." Mrs. Trump says, gesturing to a brown haired boy wearing a black leather jacket. "So tell us a little bit about yourself Liam."

He pauses, "Uh... I'm from Washington. I'm nine years old. I like sports, and the color blue."

"Wonderful Liam, we are so excited to have you in our class. Why don't you go and find an open seat, and we'll get started."

"Ok." He said as he began to make his way to the back of the room. Everyone's eyes followed, as he picked the seat next to me. I could imagine their unbelief. I kept my face covered with my hoodie, thinking that as soon as he got a good look at me he would find his error.

When it was recess time I waited to be the last one out, but instead Mrs. Trump held up Liam. As I tried to make my way out Mrs. Trump stopped me, "Oh, hey Sam, would you do me a favor? Could you please help Liam with his work before you head out to recess? I have some work I need to catch up on, and I know you are very capable of helping him."

"Uhhm... sure, I guess."

"Thanks sweetie. Here's a treat for helping me out." She says handing Liam and me one of her famous homemade cookie, then leaves.

"Man these are the best cookies I've ever had!" Liam says after taking a bite, "Do you think she'll let me have another one?"

"Well she hands them out to people who do well and participate in class, so yeah, if you do that."

"Yes! This is awesome!"

"So do you need any help getting caught up?"

"Nah, I've already learned most of this stuff back home, we can go to recess if you want."

"Yeah, ok."

We headed outside to recess, only to be met by the rest of the class who were anxiously waiting to meet the new guy. The most popular girl comes up to him flirtatiously twirling her long flawless hair. "Hey Liam," She says obnoxiously chewing her gum, "my name is Jessica, but you can call me Jessie if you'd like."

"Hey nice to meet you."

"Hey new guy! You said you like sports right?" yells a boy named Derrick, "You want to play a game or two of soccer? You can be one of the team captains."

"Yeah sure!"

"Ok, you can choose who you want on your team first."

"Hey Sam, do you want to be on my team?"

Before I could reply Derrick busted out yelling, "Woah, woah, wait! You want Sam? Seriously? Why would you want Sam?"

"Why what's wrong with Sam?" Liam asked confused.

"Seriously? How is that even a question? I mean just take one look... you can't even tell if Sam is a boy or a girl! Which makes me feel really weird being around it. Plus I don't think it showers or changes clothes hardly ever!"

"What does that have to do with soccer?"

Everyone was struck dumb, and I got the sudden urge to speak up. "It has nothing to do with soccer, Derrick is just afraid that I'll kick his butt."

Derrick bursts out into a sarcastic laughter, "Haha! You, kick my butt? Haha! Yeah right! Get ready to lose, you loser!"

"Bring it."

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